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Protector Panther (Protection, Inc 3)

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“But you’re right,” Catalina went on. “I’ve been thinking about it. I love being a paramedic, and I don’t want to stop working with you. But I loved fighting with Shane, too. I know there’s a lot I’d have to learn, but maybe I could join Protection, Inc. part-time. I could work with Shane in the day, and with you at night.”

“When would you sleep?” Ellie asked.

“Sleep!” Catalina said with scorn. “Who needs it?”

She finished her shot and went to the bar to get another. When she returned, Ellie was still sipping her cider.

“So, you and Shane,” Ellie said thoughtfully. “You know, I wouldn’t have predicted it, but now that I’ve seen you together, it does seem right.”

“I never could resist a cat,” Catalina said with a laugh. Then, more seriously, she said, “You and Hal seem right together, too. You needed a man who respects you— who sees you as an equal. That’s not easy to find.”

“It’s not,” Ellie agreed. “Hal’s a very special guy. And I don’t just mean because he can turn into a bear.”

Ellie glanced at the other three women, who were now arguing over which country had the best food, and spoke for Catalina’s ears only. “We’re talking about having a baby.”

“Really?” Catalina was surprised for a moment. But when she thought about it, it felt as right as Ellie and Hal. Ellie’s family had been torn apart by a bitter divorce. She’d always told Catalina that she’d never marry, let alone have a baby, unless she was certain that she wouldn’t repeat her parents’ mistakes. “No, I get it. You’re mates. You know you’ll never stop loving each other.”

“It’s not just that,” Ellie said. “I want to keep working. I’ll take a break, of course, but I love my job. I’ve never wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, but I don’t want to leave my child with strangers, either. But if I had babysitters I trusted absolutely, who were like family, who’d protect my child with their lives...”

Catalina began to laugh. “You mean, like a team of shapeshifting, super-powered bodyguards?”

Ellie grinned. “Exactly. And if you count Hal and me and you— I can count you, right?”

“Of course you can,” Catalina promised her. “Just so long as your baby isn’t allergic to cats.”

“Then that makes nine of us. Ten, when Ethan’s around.” With a slight wince, Ellie added, “Plus, there’s Hal’s family. His mother actually offered to move close enough to babysit if I gave her a grand-cub. I’m not sure how Hal would feel about that... Actually, I know how Hal would feel about that. But once she got her grand-cub, she’d have nothing to nag us about.”

“Don’t count on that,” Catalina advised. “I don’t know Hal’s mom, but I can tell you that my grandma would just start nagging you to have another one.”

Ellie finished her cider. “Oh, well. Guess we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Besides, if I’m going to have one, I may as well have two. Everyone should have a brother or sister.”

Catalina smiled to herself, trying to imagine Shane as a babysitter. Ellie’s children might grow up playing horsie with a panther.


Catalina had already seen how quickly Shane could heal, but she was still amazed at how fast he recovered from his wound. By the next morning, he was restlessly pacing around the room until Dr. Bedford ordered him to lie down. Soon he was taking leisurely walks in the woods, and then less leisurely walks, and then Catalina caught him in the trees as a panther. But the team stayed with him until he had completely recuperated.

“See you back at the office,” Destiny called as she, Rafa, Nick, and Fiona piled into a car. They drove off with a squeal of tires; Nick was at the wheel.

A cloud of glittering sparks gathered around Lucas. They whirled like a tornado, thickening until he vanished from sight. Then they winked out, and a golden dragon crouched where the man had been.

Journey climbed on to his back and waved. “We’re off to the Sea of Stars!”

As Catalina stood gaping in amazement, the dragon leaped into the air. He flew higher and higher until he and his rider vanished into the clouds.

Ellie, Ethan, Hal, Shane, and Catalina were left alone together. Ellie, Ethan, and Hal had loaded their luggage into Hal’s car, but Shane and Catalina had already decided to stay a while longer.

“Any idea when I should expect you back?” Hal asked.

“I’ll let you know as soon as I do,” Shane replied. “But I have to wait for Justin. I have a feeling he won’t come looking for me until the last minute. If I have to transport him all the way from Santa Martina, he might not make it.”

“Here.” Hal tossed Shane a set of keys. “Stay at my cabin. It’s not far. And it’s a lot cozier than the hospital.”

“Think of it as your honeymoon,” Ellie suggested with a grin. “Hal and I have had a lot of fun there. By the way, the bed’s an antique, but it’s stronger than it looks. If Hal couldn’t break it, you two don’t need to worry. Go wild.”

The faintest pink tinge spread across Hal’s cheekbones. “Ellie...”

Shane didn’t bat an eye. “Good to know.”

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