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Warrior Wolf (Protection, Inc 4)

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“Fucking awesome,” Nick breathed.

Raluca flicked her tail, smacking him lightly across the back of his head with the tip. Nick laughed.

She soared and dove, becoming bolder and bolder with her aerial acrobatics as Nick cheered her on. He had a good hold on her mane and a grip with his thighs, and wasn’t afraid of being unseated. He wasn’t afraid of anything. It was amazing.

So this was Raluca’s world. It was more beautiful and thrilling than anything Nick had ever experienced. And she had invited him into it, because he was her mate and she loved him and wanted him to share her joy.

He did.

Finally Raluca swooped downward, flying low over the tall office buildings that were now dark and empty for the night, until she found one with a nice flat roof. She landed light as feather. Nick slid off and stepped back.

Silver sparks gathered around her, spun in a whirlwind, and then winked out. The dragon was gone, leaving Raluca standing before him in her heels and corset and glitter skirt, her long hair whipping in the wind.

“That was amazing. It was...” Nick searched for words, but could find none that conveyed his feelings. Finally, he simply said, “Thank you.”

Raluca gave him a smile that pierced him to the heart. “You do not need to explain. I understand. Has Lucas never told you of the three treasures of the dragon?”

Nick shook his head.

“Honor,” said Raluca. “Gold. And the open sky.”

“You’re my treasure.” Nick took a step toward her, then swayed. He felt slightly dizzy, not from the flight itself but from the sheer joy of it.

Raluca steadied him with one hand on his shoulder. Her touch seemed to sear through his entire body, setting him ablaze with desire. He caught her and pulled her to him, kissing her forehead, her throat, her soft lips. She opened her mouth to him and kissed him back with every ounce of the passion she’d had on the dance floor. Her mouth still tasted of the cocktail she’d drunk to pledge herself to him. But unlike that icy drink, it was hot inside. Her tongue was like a flame, if fire could burn with pleasure instead of pain.

Her dancing heels brought her to exactly his height. He didn’t have bend to kiss her.

He wouldn’t have to lift her to make love to her standing up.

Nick thrust his rock-hard erection against her mound. A bolt of intense pleasure rocketed through him at the touch, even through two layers of clothes. Raluca moaned and pushed back, rubbing herself against him with utter abandon. Her fingers clenched on his shoulders, tensing and releasing rhythmically with every thrust. She tossed her head, sending her hair slithering across his throat and down his back. It was cool where it touched his skin, almost shocking; he felt as hot as she was, and every touch of her silky hair was like a splash of water.

Her breasts heaved within the tight black corset, the pearly mounds lifting almost out of their leather cups. Nick bent to kiss her dragonmarks, sliding his tongue along them until he reached her breasts. Raluca gasped and trembled with every touch of his lips, every flick of his tongue, every thrust of his cock. Her scent filled the air, steel and roses and womanly musk. He didn’t have to reach down to know she was getting wet. He could scent it, and it drove him wild. So did her eager responsiveness. The pleasure he was giving her excited him just as much as the pleasure she was giving him.

Her face was flushed pink and glowing with a light sweat. It made her seem lit from within.

“I love you,” she gasped. “Make love to me here, under the sky.”

“I love you too, babe,” Nick said.

He was dizzy with love and desire, his hands shaking as he reached under her skirt. Her thighs were so smooth and hot. His fingers caught on lace. He tried to tug it down, but it caught on some kind of strap and buckle arrangement. Nick wished he could just tear it — he’d never be able to undo it in the state he was in — but Raluca cared about her clothes.

“Can you take off that strap thing?” he asked.

“My garter belt?” Her voice was shaky, her breathing fast and ragged. “Rip it off, Nick. I want you in me now.”

Raluca’s desperation was about the hottest thing Nick had ever experienced. He’d thought he was as hard as he could get, but his erection swelled even more at her words, tight and throbbing against his jeans. He ripped her panties in half. The straps snapped, and he dropped the whole thing to the ground. Hot liquid slicked his fingers. Her woman’s scent grew even stronger, musky and intoxicating. He brushed his fingers against her soft folds, and she moaned at even that lightest of touches.

Nick was panting too, just as desperate as her. Together, they fumbled to get his jeans open, their fingers colliding, clumsy with eagerness. They finally managed to unzip his jeans and shove them and his boxers to his hips. He didn’t bother to push them any farther down. Nor did Raluca take off her skirt. Neither of them could bear to wait even a second longer.

He lifted her skirt out of the way, and buried himself in her. Raluca cried out aloud with pleasure. Nick did too, unable to stop himself. She was so hot inside, it was a near-unbearable shock of sensation. Nick forced himself to hold still for a moment, biting his lip, so he wouldn’t come there and then. Just being inside her, being gripped so tight by those impossibly hot walls, was such an incredible feeling, he was afraid to move. His whole body was shuddering involuntarily as electric jolts of pleasure thrilled his every nerve.

“Oh, Nick,” Raluca whispered. She too was trembling, her head thrown back, her eyes closed. Her silver lashes fluttered against her flushed cheeks.

Nick took a deep breath, and began to thrust inside her. He slid in and out of her slick folds easily, despite her tightness. It was as if they were made for each other, inside and out. He heard himself mumble something like that. It sounded incoherent to him, but Raluca must have understood, because she said, “Yes. Yes, we are. I—”

She broke off into gasps, then cries. Nick had to hold her steady, clasping her tight to his chest as he thrust into her wet heat. Her black leather corset was cool against his skin, her bare arms and shoulders hot. He could feel in her heaving breasts and hear in her increasingly abandoned cries that she was close to coming. Nick felt like he was being pulled out to sea on a near-irresistible wave of bliss, but he made himself hold back. He didn’t want to ruin her pleasure. He wanted to feel her come. And he didn’t want it to end.

Raluca stiffened in his arms. Her heated walls clenched around his cock, and then she actually screamed. Her cry echoed across the sky. As her tightness pulsed around him, the current pulled him under. He came so hard, lights burst behind his eyes. For a brilliant moment, Nick forgot where he was. He forgot who he was. For an instant that

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