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The Texan's Surprise Baby (Bell Family 2)

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Each clutching a still photo of their daughter, Hannah and Andrew met briefly with the obstetrician afterward. Hannah made the introductions. “Dr. Power, this is Andrew Walker. The, um, the father.”

If she noted the hesitation before the acknowledgment, the tall, slender physician didn’t let it show in the warm smile that lit her face. Hannah had always thought her fortyish doctor had the world’s greatest cheekbones, high and pronounced in a tanned face framed by straight dark hair that strongly suggested a Native American heritage. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Walker.”

Andrew shook her hand with his usual easy charm.

The doctor visited with them for a few minutes, said that everything looked good so far for a mid-September arrival, and asked if either of them had any questions. Hannah glanced at Andrew, who shook his head.

Afterward, Hannah checked out at the desk and scheduled her next appointment in four weeks—after which she would see the doctor every two weeks as the delivery date drew closer. She wondered if Andrew would be with her at the next appointment. She could tell he made a mental note of the date and time.

She glanced at her watch as they left the doctor’s office. “We’ll have to go straight to the shop to pick up my car before they close.”

Her car was obviously the last thing on Andrew’s mind, but she welcomed the errand. The past half hour had been so emotionally draining that she needed to focus on something as mundane as new tires and buffing compound. Fortunately, the tire and body shop was only a couple miles from the doctor’s office, so there was no time to talk on the way. She could see the frustration on Andrew’s face when he tried once or twice to discuss their situation and she responded only with directions to the shop.

“Maybe we could stop somewhere for coffee before we go back to the resort? Or maybe a cup of green tea would be better for you?” he suggested as he turned into the shop parking lot.

“I’d better head straight back,” she said, twisting the strap of her bag around her fingers. “Everyone is waiting to hear the baby’s sex.”

He started to say something, then fell abruptly silent. She suspected he had remembered his promise that they would talk only when she was ready. He probably wished now that he hadn’t made that promise.

Taking pity on him

, she sighed. “I know you think I’ve been procrastinating with you, and you’re right. I have. But it’s time for me to face the music. Why don’t you come by my place tonight and we’ll have a long talk. I know it’s past due.”

Rather than looking gratified, Andrew frowned. “You don’t have to make it sound like you’re scheduling a root canal.”

She winced. Had she really sounded so unenthusiastic? “Sorry.”

He nodded in resignation. “I suppose you want me to slip over without anyone noticing?”

Because that was exactly what she wanted, she merely shrugged lightly.

Andrew nodded again. “Let’s get your car. I’ll follow you back to the resort.”

She could have gotten back just fine on her own, of course, but she knew she’d be wasting her time to suggest he just drop her off and head back.

She took a deep breath before reaching for the door handle. Even though it was late in the afternoon, she still had much to do before she could sleep that night. Not the least of which was that stressful, but inevitable, discussion with her daughter’s father.

* * *

Even though the promised rain had not yet developed by the time they returned to the resort, the clouds had continued to gather all day so that the sky was gray and low. An occasional rumble of thunder sounded in the far distance, warning of the rain on its way. The lake was beginning to empty, a bit earlier than usual at this time of year, in anticipation of potential lightning strikes. Andrew passed several vehicles pulling boat trailers leaving the resort as he drove through the gates behind Hannah. Still, the resort was so busy there wasn’t even an extra parking space in front of the main building. Andrew assumed business was always brisk on a summer Friday afternoon, even when bad weather threatened, but he knew the extra guests from the closed resort added to the crowds. He drove around to Steven’s mobile home to park in the drive there, seeing that Hannah had parked in front of her own.

He climbed out of his car to be greeted by Steven’s big yellow dog. Andrew rubbed the lab’s ears. “Hey, Pax. How’s it going?”

The dog wagged its tail, and leaned companionably against Andrew’s leg. Andrew chuckled wryly, thinking that this was probably the worst guard dog on the planet. He was much too lazy to chase off any trespassers.

“Mom just rang me,” Hannah called from across the road. “Most of the family is hanging around the grill waiting to hear from me.”

Giving the dog one last pat, he then crossed over to join her. “Did you tell your mom yet that the baby is a girl?”

She shook her head with a wry smile. “She wanted to wait and hear at the same time as everyone else. Perhaps you’ve noticed that my family likes to turn everything into an event.”

“As a matter of fact, I have noticed that.”

She pushed a hand through her dark hair, brushing it off her face. Thunder sounded again, a bit closer this time, drawing her eyes to the darkening sky. “I was going to walk over, but maybe I’ll take a cart instead. Looks like those clouds could open up any minute.”

He noted the faintest of purple shadows beneath her eyes. “You’ve had a long day,” he said, reaching out to stroke back a strand she’d missed. He let his hand linger on her cheek. She felt warm. Soft. Silky.

Their eyes locked and held. His thumb moved against her cheek, savoring the feel of her. His mouth was close to hers, and it would take only a slight movement on his part to have their lips pressed together. She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue, and he knew she was thinking along the same lines.

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