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Seductively Yours (The Wild McBrides 1)

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“You think so?”

“Of course. Everyone knows that Trevor McBride is the perfect Southern gentleman. Charming, polite, genteel—Trevor! Stop that!” She dissolved into helpless giggles when he flipped her over and tickled her with both hands.

He was grinning, she noted in satisfaction, even as she squirmed to get away from him. He looked relaxed and happy again. A little tickle-retaliation was a small price to pay to see him that way.

Tickling, of course, led to hugging, which led to kissing and then more. By the time Trevor reluctantly dragged himself from the bed, he had little time to wash up and dress for his meeting.

Wrapped in a short robe, Jamie followed him to the front door. He paused before opening it to don his jacket. She reached up to straighten his collar.

“How do I look?” he asked with a smile.

“Great,” she assured him. “Like you’ve spent the entire afternoon rolling around between the sheets.”

“That isn’t exactly the image I had in mind,” he said dryly.

She laughed and gave his tie a final pat. “It’s the image I’ll keep in my mind.”

He kissed her quickly. “So will I.” And then he stepped away. “I’ll call you.”

“Do that.” She reached for the doorknob. “Now go, before you’re late for your meeting.”

“See you, Jamie.”

“See you, Trev.” She hoped she would be seeing him very soon.

EMILY AND WADE had invited Trevor and his family to join them at Sidney Applegate Park for a picnic Thursday after work. It was a beautiful summer day, still warm and bright when they arrived. Trevor knew the kids didn’t mind the heat, and he’d changed into a T-shirt and khaki shorts, so he was comfortable enough. With the strap of the diaper bag over his shoulder and Abbie balanced on his hip, he dragged a wheeled cooler full of canned juices and soft drinks behind him, telling Sam to stay close until they found the others.

Even for a weekday afternoon, the park was crowded. Noisy, too, he noted, identifying at least four different types of music sounding from the boom boxes scattered around the area. Sam was bouncing with eagerness to get on the playground equipment; Trevor would be surprised if the boy could sit still long enough to eat. Abbie was just happy to be outside, watching the activity around them.

“There’s Aunt Emily and Uncle Wade!” Sam pointed, his voice squeaking in excitement. “And, Daddy, look—it’s Jamie!”

Trevor almost stumbled, but recovered quickly. Jamie was definitely there, standing close to Emily. She looked wonderful, her red hair glittering in the afternoon sun, her fascinating face animated with laughter, her slender figure flattered by a snug T-shirt and denim shorts. He had never seen her really dressed up, he realized, but she wore her casual wardrobe with an elegance and flair that most women could only envy. She didn’t dress “New York”—he’d never seen her in black or wearing trendy labels, the type of outfits Melanie had favored. He wondered if Jamie had dressed this way in New York, or if she’d adjusted her style to fit into Honoria.

What was he doing standing here analyzing her wardrobe? He didn’t care about clothes. It was more likely an attempt to distract himself from memories of the last time they’d been together, alone in her bedroom. To stop him from closing the distance between them and tugging her into his arms, right there in front of whoever might see them.

He watched as Sam dashed to her side, eagerly grabbing her hand. Jamie looked down at the boy with one of her blinding smiles, and Sam beamed back up at her. Trevor swallowed hard, identifying a bit too well with the infatuation on his son’s face. He’d been doing very well so far keeping his relationship with Jamie completely separate from his other life. He hadn’t intended to change that.

He should have known it wouldn’t be possible for long in Honoria.

There was no evidence of self-consciousness in her expression when she greeted him. “Hey, Trev. How’s it going?”

Aware that his family was watching them, Trevor nodded pleasantly. “Fine, thank you. And you?”

“Can’t complain. Hello, beautiful.” She tickled Abbie’s chin.

The baby laughed and held out her hands, demanding to be transferred. Even Abbie, Trevor thought in resignation, handing over his daughter. Jamie hoisted Abbie high in front of her, making the little girl laugh and kick her sneakered feet in delight.

Looking pleased with herself, Emily rested a hand on her cousin’s arm. “I’m glad you could come, Trevor.”

He brushed a light kiss against her cheek. “You look lovely, as always.”

“And you are charming, as always.” She motioned toward Jamie, who was skillfully dividing her attention between Abbie, Sam and Clay, who had gravitated to her side with the others. “Isn’t it a nice surprise to see Jamie?”

“Yes, it certainly is.”

“She and I ran into each other at the bank this afternoon, and I asked if she would like to join us.”

“That was nice of you.” He made sure to keep his mixed feelings hidden behind a bland smile.

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