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A Night To Remember

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She blinked. “Oh. So you’re like the Bill Gates of the South or something?” she asked ingenuously, naming the famous founder of the Microsoft Corporation.

“On a smaller scale, I suppose,” he acknowledged with a wry smile as he hung his suit jacket over the back of a chair and began to unbutton his white shirt. “My company focuses more on individualized

, accounting-specific software. My father and my uncle came into the industry just prior to the computer boom of the mid-seventies, and they were able to carve a secure niche for DataProx before the competition became as fierce as it is now.”

“You must have worked very hard to rise so high in the company at such an early age,” she commented.

Andrew couldn’t help studying her face for signs of sarcasm. She wouldn’t be the first to imply—subtly or otherwise—that his own career had been made on the coattails of his father. He’d generally proven to everyone else that he deserved his position; he didn’t want to have to defend his competence to Nicole.

“I wouldn’t have been named president of the company if my father and the board hadn’t thought I was qualified,” he said carefully.

Her eyes widened. “Well, of course not. A company doesn’t remain successful and competitive by rewarding incompetence, even when it’s in the family.”

He thought her statement a bit naive, but since it was slanted in his favor, he didn’t bother to contradict her. He merely nodded and unbuckled his belt.

Watching him with apparent interest, Nicole went on. “Have you always wanted to work for DataProx?”

He unzipped his slacks and stepped out of them, leaving him a bit self-consciously clad in white briefs and dark socks. He reached quickly for his jeans as he answered her question. “I’ve always been intrigued by modern management techniques. I flirted briefly with the idea of going into medicine when I was in high school, but even then I knew I had a taste. for business.”

“Medicine,” Nicole mused thoughtfully. “I can’t see you working day-to-day with patients, but you’d probably have excelled at medical research or surgery.”

He held his jeans in front of him, ready to step into them. “What makes you think I wouldn’t work well with patients?”

“You’re too much of a perfectionist,” she replied without hesitation. “It would drive you crazy when they didn’t take good care of their health or follow your instructions.”

He frowned, wondering if he should take offense.

Nicole laughed. “There’s that serious, I-think-I’ve-just-been-insulted look again. I wasn’t slamming you, Andrew. It was simply an observation. However,” she added, sliding off the bed and onto her feet. “I could be wrong. Why don’t you show me your bedside manner and I’ll let you know what I think?”

His eyebrow rose. “I beg your pardon?”

Still smiling, she walked up to him and snatched the jeans out of his loosened grip. “Let’s play doctor.”

“I—” Before he could finish, he had his arms full of soft, vibrant woman.

Her arms locked around his neck, Nicole lifted her mouth to his. “Don’t tell me you didn’t know what that sexy striptease act would do to me,” she murmured, and nipped at his lower lip.

Her husky words went straight to his groin. “I, er...”

“Have I mentioned yet that you have a body to die for?” She slid one hand caressingly down from his throat to his navel, leaving a trail of heat in her wake.

His hands clenched at her hips. He dragged her closer and kissed her more roughly than he’d intended. She seemed delighted by his ardor.

When he finally lifted his head for air, Nicole stepped backward, toward the bed, pulling him after her. “There’s no reason we can’t see a late movie, is there?” she asked, her smile wicked.

Hopelessly seduced, Andrew shook his head dazed, “No reason at all,” he said hoarsely, and followed her eagerly to the bed.

THEY NEVER MADE IT to a movie. They did, finally, make it to the kitchen, where they found that his considerate housekeeper had left dinner in the refrigerator for them. Pasta salad, cold cuts and fruit—nothing needing preparation or attention. Which was just as well, because all of Andrew’s attention was entirely claimed by Nicole.

“I looked at a couple of apartments today,” she remarked as she poured cola for both of them.

Andrew’s own throat suddenly went dry. He reached for his glass and took a long gulp. “Did you find anything?” he asked after he’d swallowed and was reasonably sure he could speak lightly.

He was relieved when she shook her head. “Not yet. But there are a couple of other places I’ll check out tomorrow.”

“You know, of course, that you’re welcome to stay here as long as you like. I’ve...enjoyed having you here,” he said awkwardly. And wasn’t that an understatement?

She gave him a brilliant smile from across the table. “How sweet. I’ve enjoyed being here.”

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