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The Groom's Stand-In

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Chloe could rarely hold a grudge against her twin. “It’s okay. I know you’ve been through a lot lately.”

Grace groaned. “That’s hardly an excuse, especially since you went through so much more. I just—well, I’ve been worried about you.”

“About me?” Chloe set a yellow-and-blue-patterned candlestick on a shelf, then fussed with its placement for a moment. “There’s no need. Bryan has repeatedly promised us that the kidnapping threat is over.”

“From what I saw of the weasel Childers, I agree. I thought he was going to faint when Bryan and Jason faced him down in his apartment.”

Chloe nodded. “Anyway, now that the publicity has died down and the press has turned its attention to other things, other misfortunate people, I can fade quietly and safely back into obscurity. I’m fine.”

Her sister moved to stand beside her, studying her profile. “You’re unhappy.”

Chloe didn’t meet her twin’s eyes as she shifted a marble egg into a more conspicuous position. “Of course I’m not un—”

“Chloe.” Grace sounded irritated again now. “Please don’t try bluffing with me. You know you’ve never been able to fool me.”

Chloe sighed heavily. “You’re right. I don’t know what’s been wrong with me lately. A mild case of post-traumatic stress syndrome, maybe. I’m sure I’ll get over it soon.”

“I feel like it’s my fault.”

That comment startled her into turning to stare at Grace. “Your fault? Why on earth would you think that?”

Hanging her head a little, Grace replied, “I think you broke up with Bryan because I made such a fuss about it at the beginning. You had decided you wanted to marry a decent guy and have a family, and I had no right to interfere. I would still rather see you marry for love, but if friendship is more important to you, then that should be all that matters. Bryan’s a decent guy. I’m sure he would beef up his security for you if you start seeing him again, so you’d probably be safer than you are just driving to work in the morning now.”

She shook her head impatiently, drew a deep breath and blurted, “What I’m trying to say is, I think you and Bryan should get back together if it would make you happy again. You should marry him and have those kids you both want so badly. I’ll support your decision whole-heartedly.”

For the life of her, Chloe couldn’t have explained why tears suddenly gathered in her eyes. “That’s very considerate of you, Grace, but I don’t want to marry Bryan. As you have pointed out on numerous occasions, I don’t love him. I never will.”

Grace looked startled. “You said yourself that you’re very fond of him.”

“I am. Very. But that isn’t enough.”

“Since when?”

Since she had fallen passionately and permanently in love with another man, Chloe thought in despair. “I just changed my mind.”

Grace studied her for a long time, then pushed a hand through her hair. “Sorry. I would have sworn you’ve been behaving like a woman with a broken heart.”

Unable to come up with a good response, Chloe turned away.

They worked in silence for a few minutes, with Chloe hoping Grace would change the subject, and Grace apparently lost in her thoughts. It was Grace who broke the silence again. “When did you talk to Bryan last?”

“He called earlier this afternoon. He said to tell you hello, by the way.”

Grace cleared her throat, then asked, “Did he mention how Donovan’s doing?”

Just the sound of his name made her chest ache. “He’s fine. He’s off the crutches, but still in a walking cast.”

“Donovan’s never called you himself?”


“That seems a bit odd, doesn’t it?”

“I’m sure he knows Bryan is keeping me updated.”

“Mm. So I guess you and Donovan didn’t become fast friends during your ordeal?”

“No, I suppose we didn’t.” Because this conversation was entirely too painful, she turned abruptly away. “You can finish this. I’ll go close out the register.”

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