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STRIPTEASED (Roommate Reverse Harem Romance)

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“See what I mean? Not very funny,” Austin said. “But Denver and I do teach, and we have to get to the gym. He runs fitness classes and I do personal training, so let’s cut to the chase. You’ll get a warm bed. Meals provided by a good cook. And best of all, four strong, good-looking dudes. You won’t have to deal with a spider or struggle to open a jar while you’re here. Are you in?”

It was a pretty convincing list, and mentally I added to it. Staying here meant that I wouldn’t have to face Clint’s parents or sister. And I wouldn’t have to spend the night alone in an expensive hotel wondering where the hell things went wrong with my relationship. And Austin was right about the benefits of being around four hot men. Even without their strength and their amazing bodies, there was something that felt safe about them. As if they’d never be as careless with me as Clint had been. It was crazy because they were strangers, but it still felt that way. “Maybe I could stay the weekend, but you all have to promise to let me know if I’m bothering—” I began, but Austin cut me off.

“Are you in?” he repeated, not letting me add any disclaimers.

“What have you got to lose?” Denver asked. It was a reasonable question. I’d already lost pretty much everything I thought I’d gained by moving out here. Over on my left, Tonio was grinning, convinced I’d say yes.

But before I did, I needed something from the huge man across from me. How did he really feel about this? Even though his buddies were more outspoken, this was his home, too. I met his piercing blue eyes and he silently held my gaze. Everything else faded as I stared at him, willing him to understand my unspoken question.

Amazingly, it seemed he did. After a long moment, he nodded, his eyes never leaving mine.

It felt like such a private thing between us, but the others had picked up on it. “It’s settled then,” Denver said as he got to his feet. “You’re staying.”

It was absolutely astonishing, but it looked like I was. My tentative smile met four broad, masculine grins.

I was completely unsure what the next chapter of my life would hold, but it was off to one hell of an interesting start.



“Hey, Emma.”

I looked up to see a familiar face entering the coffee shop. Maddie’s brunette curls bounced around her shoulders as she approached. “Thanks for coming,” I said as I stood. Was I supposed to hug her? I didn’t know her very well, but the night we met had been one of the worst and certainly one of the strangest of my life. It kind of felt like I’d known her for longer.

Maddie solved my dilemma by dropping her purse on an empty chair and reaching for me. Apparently she had no qualms about hugging a near stranger.

We sat down, and she crossed her legs as she looked at me. “All your stuff’s in my car.”

“Thank you,” I said fervently. I’d been so relieved when Maddie found me on Facebook and offered to get my things from Clint’s parents’ house. I never wanted to see any of those people again. Besides, I was getting pretty tired of wearing Denver’s clothes. The past few nights I’d had to wash my underwear and hang them on a towel rack to dry, which was awkward when sharing a bathroom with males.

I’d also been sleeping in an old t-shirt of Knox’s that was the size of a Buick. That I didn’t mind so much—it was soft and comfortable.

“How are you?” Maddie asked, and then immediately continued on. “That’s a dumb question. I’m really, really sorry about the breakup. Both that it happened and also the extremely rotten way that Clint did it.”

“Thank you.” Her sympathy was kind, but I’d been doing my best to concentrate on the future rather than the past, and I didn’t particularly want to think about Clint right now. Of course, it would’ve been easier to focus on the future if I had some clue what it might hold. “Would you like something to drink? It’s my turn to buy you one.”

Maddie laughed. “That hot bartender didn’t let me pay for it last time, so that doesn’t count. You stay right there, I’ll go get something.” She hopped up and headed to the counter before I could object.

A few minutes later, she was back with two chai lattes and a plate of cake pops. “Help yourself. It’s the least I can do.”

I paused in the middle of reaching for one with chocolate sprinkles. “What do you mean?”

“I’ve been kicking myself for leaving you at that club. You’d had such a shock, and Sonia was being so impatient, but I shouldn’t have let her leave you there.” Maddie’s earnest green eyes were troubled.

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