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STRIPTEASED (Roommate Reverse Harem Romance)

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Emma shrugged, and then said, “That’s part of it.”

“Well then, good news—you don’t have to worry about that. You look adorable.” It was true. She had her strawberry blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail, and her face looked fresh and bright. Her sports bra showcased the tantalizing curves that I had to admit distracted me from time to time. Her leggings hugged her hips the way I wished I could. It was incredible that she didn’t know how attractive she was.

“And if you’re worried about how you’ll look doing the dance steps,” I continued, “don’t. It’s my job to lead you through them. If I can’t, then that’s a failing on my part as a teacher. You’re the student. You’re not supposed to be perfect.”

She nodded, staring down to where her hands were clasped on her lap. “It’s just hard, because you and Austin always seem so perfect when you dance.”

I reached and took one of her hands in mine, trying to ignore the way her soft thigh felt. “It’s our job. That’s why we practice so much—it’s supposed to be perfect when we do it.” Time to get her mind on another subject. “Speaking of jobs, how’s yours going?”

“I haven’t found one y—” She broke off as she realized what I meant. “Oh, the writing. Um… it’s going okay.”

“Are you going to make your deadline?”

“I—I think so.” She didn’t sound very confident.

“You’ve still got four days left, but maybe it was wrong of me to ask you to come help me with this video today.”

“No, it’s fine. I can only write for an hour or two before my focus is shot. It’s good to get out and do other things. Usually, after a change of pace, I can dive into the writing again when I’m home.”

I grinned. “I hope that our dance will give you some inspiration.”

She returned my smile. “I’m sure it will.”

“Still, it can’t be easy, trying to write when you’re a nomad.”

Emma looked puzzled. “What?”

“Every morning you wake up in a different bed. It must be hard to establish a writing routine when every day is different.”

She frowned. “Maybe a little. But I really don’t want to stop doing it. I love sleeping with you guys.” Predictably, she flushed. “I mean, sleeping next to you. It feels so warm and safe… I swear, before this, I was always cold at night. Now I have you guys to keep me warm.”

I chuckled. “I bet sleeping with Knox is like sleeping next to a furnace.”

“Definitely.” Her grin faded. “Will you promise me something?”

“Of course.” My answer was instantaneous. I couldn’t think of anything she might ask that I wouldn’t do for her.

“If the video doesn’t turn out well—you know, because of me—promise me you won’t feel obligated to use it anyway. And… and that you won’t get mad at me.”

It was funny how her words could be touching and frustrating at the same time. “Emma McColm, there’s no way I’d ever get mad at you for doing your best. Hell, I can’t think of anything you could do that would make me mad unless you tied me up and made me sleep next to the Knox-furnace all night.” That got a small smile from her, and I continued. “And as for the video, I’m sure I’ll be happy with it, but we’ll look at it together and make sure we’re both happy with it before I upload it.”

She nodded, but I wasn’t sure she was convinced. “Okay, but… I just don’t want to disappoint you.”

Reaching over, I placed a long finger under her chin and tilted her head up. “Trust me, disappointment is the last thing I’d ever feel about you. I don’t think you realize how amazing you are. After what you’ve been through, the breakup and being abandoned in a new town, it’s amazing you’re functioning at all, let alone thriving.” She started to interrupt, but I wouldn’t let her. “Yes, thriving. You’re helping us out, doing the shopping and keeping things neat so that we can focus on our jobs and not come home to a hellhole. And more importantly, you’re writing and following your dreams. Some people would’ve spent the last few weeks in bed with a tub of ice cream, but not you. You’re living your life, and it’s impressive. I’m not the only one who thinks so.”

Moisture lined Emma’s pale lashes, and she blinked rapidly, but she didn’t look away. The silence grew until she finally said, “Thank you for saying all that.”

“I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true.” I rose to my feet and held out my hand to her in a courtly manner. “Will you dance with me?”

Emma placed her hand in mine and rose to her feet. “It would be my pleasure.”

“Where is she?” Austin asked.

“Shh!” several voices said at once, mine included.

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