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STRIPTEASED (Roommate Reverse Harem Romance)

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Women cheered and energetic dance music blared, but I didn’t even look toward the stage. “Sonia?”

I couldn’t read the expression on her face when she said, “You should check and see if you got any texts, Emma.”

There was an odd thud in my stomach as I nodded and reached for my phone. I didn’t usually get a lot of texts, but I checked my phone once or twice an hour when I wasn’t with Clint. Oddly enough, there was one from him sent just a minute ago. I thumbed it open and read the short message.

And blinked in disbelief.

And then read it again.

And again.

“Emma? What’s wrong?” Maddie’s voice seemed to come from about a mile away. When she got no response from me, she leaned over and looked at the little screen in my hand and gasped. Her face filled with sympathy. “Oh my God, Emma, I’m so sorry.”

“Better he figured this out now than after the wedding,” Sonia said as she stood. “Guess this isn’t a bachelorette party anymore. We should go.”

“Wait, give her a moment,” Maddie said.

Or at least I think that’s what she said. I couldn’t stop staring at Clint’s words. Did they really mean what I thought they meant? It had to be a joke. I’d moved across the country to be with him. I quit my job. Gave up my apartment. We were engaged.

Except I guess… technically… we weren’t anymore.

“Come on, Emma, let’s go outside and get some fresh air,” Maddie said.

“She doesn’t look too good,” someone else said.

“She’d better not throw up in my car.”

Their voices swirled around me but I paid them no more attention than the loud cheers from the other tables. The only thing I could focus on was the small screen in my hand.

He’d said he loved me.

He was the only man I’d ever kissed.

The only man I’d ever slept with.

His short message blurred, and I realized my eyes were full of tears.

He was the only man who’d ever wanted me.

And now no one did.

“Take it off!” a high-pitched voice screamed behind me.

Why was there so much shouting?

Oh yeah, the twins. I’d forgotten about them.

Numbly, I turned in my seat.

“Emma, are you coming or not?”

There they were—Austin and Denver. Two handsome faces. Two bare chests. Four powerful biceps. Sixteen glorious abs.


Was someone talking to me? It was so much easier to let my mind go blank and watch those two gorgeous men roll their torsos and thrust their hips.

“Let’s get you home.”

Home? Did I even have a home anymore?

A waitress passed by with a tray full of beer. I grabbed a tall glass, only spilling a little. It was okay to get drunk. This was my bachelorette party, after all.

“I think she’s in shock.”

“Come on, Emma, you have to get up.”

“Maddie, let’s go.”

“But we can’t just—”

“She’s an adult, she can get a cab.”


Eventually, the voices faded away.

I didn’t care.

The beer tasted good. The twins moved so well.

I stared at the stage and counted the abs.



Man, this place was a dump once the customers left. Well, to be fair, it was a dump all the time, but it was harder to notice when the lights were low and all I could see on the other side of the bar were excited, horny young women. That view I didn’t mind so much.

But now there were empty glasses and spilled drinks everywhere. Even some overturned chairs. The stage was empty and rather pathetic-looking without all the spotlights. Most of the staff was gone, and the cleaners wouldn’t get here until early morning.

Austin sauntered out from backstage. “You coming?”

Now that he was done making women swoon, he was wearing black jeans and a gray sleeveless shirt. It was still warm out, even this early in the morning in September.

“Nah, I’ll meet you back home. Might be a while.” We shared a house, so usually we left together if I managed to get the bar stocked for the next shift.

“All right, see you.” Austin turned, seeming to know that his brother was approaching in some kind of psychic twin way. “Ready?”

Denver started to nod but then looked past me and frowned. “Got a straggler?”

“Yep.” I nodded toward the unconscious blonde propped up in a chair and slumped over a table in the middle of the room.

Denver moved closer, squinting at the young woman. “Anybody we know?”

The twins had a ton of female fans. Many of them were regulars, appearing night after night, living for the moment Austin or Denver would glance their way.

“Dunno.” It was hard to tell with her cheek squished against the table, partially covered by the mane of hair covering her face.

“Well, we know she can’t handle her liquor,” Austin observed.

“Why didn’t you cut her off?” Denver asked.

“I didn’t know anyone’d had too much. You know I cut off people when I can.”

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