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STRIPTEASED (Roommate Reverse Harem Romance)

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My body wanted to—but my mind still resisted. It wasn’t an act that I associated with pleasure. Still… this was Knox, not Clint. “I can try.”

He smiled. “Good. Let’s get you relaxed first. If you can, keep an open mind. Or a blank one—try not to think about anything. Here, maybe this’ll help.” He reached for something on his nightstand and a few moments later, soft instrumental music filled the room. “Close your eyes and relax.”

I did, focusing on the calming music as Knox’s body covered mine. His kiss was sweet this time, his tongue tentative instead of domineering. I sighed against his lips, focusing only on each part of me he was touching. On the heat. On the pleasure. On the connection between us.

He worked his way down my neck, his hands already on my breasts. Each nipple was more than ready for the gentle sucking and the soft scrape of his teeth. When his hands cupped my ass, I lifted my hips up, and he worked my panties down my legs. Then his gentle kisses were south of my navel, and I tensed up.

“Relax,” he soothed. “There are no expectations tonight. I don’t need you to come for my sake. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

I followed his advice and relaxed my tense muscles. When his strong hands clasped my leg and lifted it, cool air brushed past my heated slit. For the first time, I began to anticipate what was coming.

Knox pressed my knee up to my chest and I grasped it, holding myself open. He hooked an arm under my other leg, tilting my pelvis upward.

Then I felt his breath, the warm air swirling around my most sensitive spot. It took effort, but I kept my muscles from tensing up. This was Knox doing this, not anyone else.

I trusted him.

He placed a gentle kiss on my heated skin and nudged my seam with his nose, making me gasp. And then there it was, the first soft lick with his broad tongue. After a moment, as if waiting to see if I wanted him to stop, he did it again.

His talented tongue worked its way along my slit, gliding smoothly through the moisture. Then the tip of one large finger teased my entrance. At the same time, he flicked his tongue directly over my clit.

My body bolted upwards, and he chuckled, the vibrations from his mouth teasing my sensitive skin even more.

“That felt genuine,” Knox observed, and he sucked my inner labia into his mouth, making me squeal. His finger continued to circle and probe as he kept exploring with his tongue. Then he backed off and let me catch my breath. “Ready, princess?”

I nodded, not even sure what he was asking, but very sure of my answer.

His hands went under me and suddenly my lower body was off the mattress, his strong hands angling me toward his mouth. My thighs rested on his shoulders and I fisted the sheet, trying to prepare myself for what was coming next.

Knox didn’t disappoint. His tongue dipped inside of me, as far as it could go, and I moaned, my hips undulating with anticipation. His finger took over as his tongue returned to my clit, insistently circling it, flicking across it, and making it swell.

“Oh God,” I moaned, clutching the sheets harder. The delicious pressure was building up inside me, and my legs tensed. “Don’t stop.”

His tongue moved faster, as if to show that he wouldn’t. My limbs trembled—it was amazing I didn’t buck myself right off of him because I was out of control. The sensations were building up and there was no way I could stop them—and I didn’t want to.

My breath came out in jagged gasps as Knox worked my clit expertly, and then it happened—my back arched and I screamed as my muscles locked and my body went rigid.

Knox held me steady, his finger pushing in and out of me while his tongue finished the job. He made wave after wave of pleasure flow through my body, and when I finally collapsed in exhaustion, he lowered me carefully back to the bed.

He grinned as I panted, trying to get enough air. My body felt loose and relaxed—and like it might be unable to move under its own power ever again.

Knox lay down next to me, his hand lightly stroking my stomach.

“That was…” I began, but then I ran out of breath.

“Does that mean you like oral now?”

“God, yes,” I said, and he laughed.

“Why do I feel so sleepy?”

“That means I did it right,” Knox said smugly. I opened my eyes to see the pride on his face. It was different than the sexy smirk the twins used in their act—and, well, Austin used outside of it. But I was really glad Knox understood how amazing he’d made me feel.

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