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STRIPTEASED (Roommate Reverse Harem Romance)

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The increased screams as I ripped off my shirt finally caused Emma to look up. She caught my eye and beamed. From that moment on, I was dancing for her. Just for her.

Denver and I met in the middle of the stage again. I stood behind him and reached around to undo the top button of his breakaway jeans. Then he bent at the waist and I rolled over his back, like an action hero rolling over the hood of a car. Once I was in front, he reached around to undo my top button. I’d much rather have had Emma’s hands there, but the ladies seemed to enjoy our moves.

When I got back to Emma’s side of the stage, I scanned quickly for her shining hazel eyes and was astonished to see them pointed at another man. Some guy had pulled his chair next to hers and was talking to her.

Where’d she find him? He was older, with a comb-over. I tore my gaze away to twist, turn, and then drop to my knees, gyrating my hips. I was at least a half-beat late, and I could practically hear Denver’s annoyance. Hmm… maybe there was something to the twin telepathy everyone accused us of having.

We passed by each other, and he mouthed, ‘What the fuck?’

I matched his movements and put my all into the routine, but I couldn’t take my mind off Emma. Why did she want to talk to a guy like that?

The next time I was on her side of the room, I saw the answer: she didn’t. I could see it now. The hunch of her shoulders. The rigidity of her posture. I’d spent a long time studying her delectable curves, so it was easy to see when her body language revealed that something was off.

I scanned the room, expecting to see a familiar-looking giant stationed by the door, but Knox wasn’t there. I missed another few steps of the routine as I scanned for him. Then I spotted him, breaking up a fight at a back table. Perfect.

Strutting along the line of women reaching for me, I kept my eyes on Emma. She’d scooted her chair closer to her friend, but the guy had moved his chair, too. He put his hand on her arm, and she shook him off.

Where the fuck was Knox? But he was still dealing with the fight, which seemed to be between two screaming, surprisingly combative women.

Worried now, I looked over at Tonio, to see if he’d noticed Emma’s plight, but there were so many people crowded around the bar I doubted he could even see her.

I looked around right in time to see that creep try again. He reached out and put his hand on her bare thigh, running his fingers up her leg.

That’s when I saw red.



Ten minutes earlier


Maddie had said that at least twice since the twins left our table.

“Which one was the one who kissed you?”


She glanced over in the direction the twins had gone, but all we could see were drunken women. Well, mostly women. There was an older man sitting at the next table and some guys in the back partying with some very loud, boisterous women. I was pretty sure that the alcohol fumes would be deadly back there.

A waitress—one I’d met at Knox’s birthday party—brought over a plate of nachos. We hadn’t ordered it, so it must’ve been from Tonio.

I moved my drink and picked up my book to make room. I couldn’t help running a finger along the spine of the paperback. I’d written this. This story had only existed inside my head until I’d written it down, and now other people could read it. Granted, not a ton. Sales were a bit slow, but that was okay. I was already working on polishing up one of my older stories. Ronnie said the key was to build up a substantial catalog of books.

Suddenly aware that I was staring at my book the way Maddie had just been staring at the twins, I put it away.

We ignored the guy on the stage who’d just shed his pants as we ate the nachos. I couldn’t wait to see the twins’ new act, but in the meantime, it was nice to catch up with Maddie. We had to shout to hear each other, but we managed.

“How are the wedding plans coming?” I asked. Maddie’s sister had been engaged for over a year.

Maddie shrugged, not looking encouraged. “I don’t know what’s going on. They won’t let us do anything for them. No engagement party. No bachelorette party—nothing.”

That seemed strange. I hadn’t met Maddie’s sister Gina, but from what I’d heard, she’d been happy to have Maddie as her maid of honor. “Maybe they’re just not into parties?”

“Possibly, but I’m a little worried about Doug.” She lowered her voice, which didn’t work very well in a crowded strip club.

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