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Scandalous (The Finn Factor 2)

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His wife reached out and touched Tasha’s leg, as if to comfort her. Just as quickly, she pulled away and Tasha saw the blonde’s cheeks darken. Interesting. “Of course you aren’t horrible. Phil shouldn’t have brought it up.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” Stephen’s words were low, but had the desired affect. Burke stopped smiling.

“My apologies, Miss Rivera. I spend my days surrounded by nosy reporters. Some of it was bound to rub off. It so happens I do have a villa in Tuscany, as Wendi said. I’d love to bring the both of you there, and I’ll do my best to keep all the best chefs hidden away from view so your Natasha isn’t unduly tempted.”

Wendi was beaming, and Tasha sent her a matching smile. “I would love that.”

Stephen tugged on her bikini tie in warning but answered, “How can I refuse such a generous offer?”

Wendi stole a sip of her husband’s mimosa, her eyes never leaving Tasha’s face. “Are you wearing contacts?”

Tasha smiled. “No.”

“You have beautiful eyes.”

Burke chuckled at his wife’s compliment. “Finn, you could be in trouble. Every party we throw, Wendi and I are each allowed to explore a different desire. I can’t deny my beauty anything either, and this time I believe she’s decided on Miss Rivera. At least, that’s what she’s been insisting since you two arrived.”

Wendi was blushing so deeply that Tasha felt bad for her.

Stephen’s fingers dug possessively into her waist. “I don’t blame her. However, there are a few things I’m not willing to share, Burke. I’m sure you understand.”

Phil Burke’s eyes narrowed, honing in on Stephen in a way that made Tasha uneasy. He wasn’t used to being denied.

She covered Stephen’s hand with her own. “I wouldn’t mind one little experiment. As long as you were watching me. Sir.”

She stared at him, willing him to read her thoughts. Wendi was still a newlywed, barely married a year to a man who surrounded himself with the kind of debauchery that would send anyone into sensory overload. Tasha had no doubt Wendi’s request was more about keeping her husband’s attention in this kind of environment than seriously exploring same-sex relations.

Tasha could make an ally if she helped her out. Or at the very least, do her job and distract their host from Stephen.

“What did you have in mind?” Stephen’s eyes were hard but she could feel his erection stirring against her hip.

She turned back toward Wendi and let her smile soften. “Would you like to kiss me?”

Wendi nodded without waiting for her husband’s approval, something Burke would surely notice. “Yes.”

The slender blonde stood and approached her, kneeling on the cushion of the lounge chair in a position that ensured Burke and Stephen would be able to see everything.

Stephen was fully aroused now, his fingers bruising her skin as he struggled to restrain himself.

Tasha felt desire unfurl inside her—not because of the woman who was staring at her lips with curiosity and interest, but because he wanted to see this.

The idea that her straight-laced Finn was watching made her bold. She’d kissed women before—who hadn't? Some kisses were meant to soothe friends after they’d been masterfully topped, and others to titillate their male partners into action. As a rule, men had a difficult time hiding their desire at the thought of seeing two women together.

But this wasn’t just any man watching Wendi’s eyes widen with excitement as she lowered her head and pressed her lips to Tasha’s. This was Stephen, and Tasha wanted to drive him wild as much as she wanted to please him.

Two male groans drifted over to them as Wendi rubbed her lips lightly, clumsily, over Tasha’s mouth. She really was sweet. Horrible taste in men, but sweet.

“Wendi, if you want to tempt her, you’ll have to do better than that.” Burke almost sounded annoyed. “Use your tongue. Take what you want, don’t fucking dance around it. Otherwise what is the point?”

Wendi flinched and Tasha reached for and clasped the woman’s hand in hers supportively. God, she wanted to hit him. She could feel the girl’s confidence deflating with every passing second.

Lifting her lips, she looked over at Stephen. “Can I kiss her now, sir?”

Stephen nodded, understanding what she couldn’t say out loud. “Kiss her. Show them why I can’t resist you.”

A thrill of pleasure shot through her, though she knew his words were more for Burke than her. She turned back to Wendi and let her smile grow sensual. Using their tangled hands, she pulled the fabric of her bikini away from one breast, exposing it to the sunlight and anyone who was watching before she placed Wendi’s hand firmly over her hard nipple. “That’s better.”

Then she reached up with her other hand and pulled Wendi in for a kiss. A real kiss that would give her bastard husband no reason for complaint and Stephen a visual he wouldn’t soon forget.

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