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Dangerous (The Finn Factor 3)

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Brady stood and wove dizzily from the head rush, making his way to the bathroom with his hand still shaking on his shaft. He rinsed himself off in the sink, trembling as he splashed cold water on the back of his neck.

He could barely look at himself in the mirror. The things he’d thought, the things he’d said out loud. Orders he couldn’t believe he’d given. He’d gotten off on the idea of taking Ken without permission. Without holding back.

Brady didn’t indulge in aggressive passion or rough sex. His size made it impossible to consider. He was a brute. A clumsy ox. He’d started sprouting up at ten-years-old and he’d learned early on to be mindful of his strength, particularly in physical situations. Fighting and then, as he got older, sex.

His ex had been a rough-and-tumble leatherneck with muscle to spare and Brady had still never been able to truly let go with him. Brady wasn’t passionate enough, the angry Marine would tell him. He didn’t want it enough.

It was an argument Brady couldn’t win and he knew it…until he’d met Tanaka.

What just happened was passionate enough and he’d wanted it too much to resist. It had been intense and out of control, and it had only been a fantasy.

That shouldn’t happen in the real world. If he did this job, if he stayed, he had to resist this thing between them. He didn’t trust himself not to lose control around Ken and, despite Tanaka’s strength, he didn’t want to risk hurting him.

He dried off, pulled his shirt over his head and re-buttoned his jeans, thinking about that dildo. He hadn’t expected that. He’d thought Ken was exclusively a top. That because of his lifestyle he would have to be in charge in every way.

Did Doms even give blowjobs?

He obviously didn’t know shit about that bondage-sado-whatever the hell it was. All he knew was that the few times things between them had gotten heated, Ken had been the one pleasuring him. And Brady had loved it.

Stop thinking about his mouth. Brady turned off the monitors and closed the cabinet, grabbing his plate on the way back to the kitchen. He rinsed it off and was setting it on the drying rack when he saw his phone on the counter. The message light was pulsing.

It looked like it had been ringing all morning. He decided to listen to his calls as he cleaned the rest of the dishes. It was the least he could do to curb his guilt after breakfast and that shower.

He dialed his voicemail and turned on the speaker, smiling a little when he heard Owen’s voice.

New message. Today at nine a.m.

“Good morning. I have a headache and I have a feeling you do too. I just wanted to call and tell you about the long-winded, very public advice some drunk gave me last night at the pub. It’s a funny story. I’m already planning his payback. By the way, you’re going to get kicked out of Finn Club unless you can follow the rules. The first rule of Finn Club? You’re Irish, learn how to drink. Call me when you get this.”

New message. Today at nine-thirty-five a.m.

“Brady, it’s Owen again. I actually wanted to talk to you about what you said last night. In case you’re wondering? I’m not mad. In fact, you lit a fire under my ass and I love you for it. This morning I’ve been looking into your suggestion and I think I’ve found the answer, but I need to run it by our resident Cupid. Call me so I know you survived the Great Rumming of 2015. Oh and the second rule of Finn club is that tall is good, but too tall is just showing off. Cut it out.”

New message. Today at nine-fifty-one a.m.

“Hey Brady, Seamus here. Owen said you aren’t answering your phone. Call and I promise not to give you my lecture about sneaking behind the bar for another bottle after the bartender has cut you off. Oh, and my brother wants me to tell you that the third rule is not to talk about Finn Club, whatever that means. Help me out and call him please, he’s driving me crazy and I have to help Penny and Wes with their art projects.”

Brady laughed and shook his head, scrubbing the omelet pan.

New message. Today at ten-fifteen a.m.

“Owen again. Are you tied up right now? You went home with Tanaka so this is a legitimate question. If you are, use your safe word and when you can feel your dialing fingers, call me back. I mean it. I just bought plane tickets instead of pizza and you aren’t around to stop me. Who knows what I’ll do next?”

New message. Today at ten-forty-eight a.m.

“I’m officially worried. Call me in the next two hours or I’m dialing 911. Your brothers basically own that number, so the odds of them being the ones to catch you naked, hogtied and covered in peanut butter are pretty damn good. This is your last warning.”

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