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Angel (Made Men 5)

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Looking back at Lucca, she opened her mouth, shocking herself at what came out of it next. “N-nothing. I wasn’t doing anything.”

Going back to his desk, Lucca nodded to the thief. “I’ll see you later, Angel.”

Angel? Jeez, she was in trouble with a man like him who had a name like that.

If he hadn’t just stolen something from Lucca fucking Caruso, she might have taken it as a good sign that he wasn’t a trap from Satan himself. But since he did have the big-ass balls to steal from the boogieman, it was a sign from God telling her to stay very fucking far away from him, reminding her that Lucifer had been a fallen angel before becoming the king of Hell.

God, protect me from this man, she prayed as he slowly walked toward her like a beautiful, dark angel, his eyes piercing through to her soul.

Her breath caught in her throat again when he lifted his hand, putting a long, tatted finger to his lips, the quietest “Shh” passing them only for her to hear.

Fuck, I’m doomed. No amount of praying was going to save her. God sure as hell wasn’t saving her from the fallen angel before her, or from herself.

She turned her head, following him with her eyes as he passed her before disappearing.

She couldn’t help feeling a strange sensation, like a piece of herself left with him, and a piece of him stayed with her. As if when he passed her and slightly grazed her arm, he took a piece of her aura, while she took a piece of his. It had taken her breath away and brought it back in a huge wave. Now she was unable to catch it.

Lucca’s brow rose, his same dark voice with a smile echoing once more through the dim room, asking, “Adalyn?”


You’re in Enemy Territory

Trying to shake off the thought of the man who had just stolen a piece of her, she turned back to Lucca, trying to pull herself together. “Yes, sorry. Um, you wanted to see me?”

Lucca stared at her for a moment, the amused look on his face never wavering. “I did?”

“Yes …?” Adalyn stared back at him in confusion. “You asked me yesterday to come by your office at noon.”

“Must have slipped my mind,” he said simply as he leaned back in his chair. “I’m taking Chloe out to lunch in thirty minutes, and I have some work to get done before then, so if you don’t mind.”

Her mouth dropped open, and her brows furrowed, even more confused as she started to head out the door.

“Have a good day, Adalyn.” The smile in his voice gave her a bit of a chill.

“Y-you, too.”

Walking away from the strange encounter, she wasn’t exactly sure what had just happened. What the heck?

She began her journey back the way she had come, heading toward the elevator. Why did he want me here in the first place if he was just going to shoo me awa—


A light scream had started to escape her throat, but it was quickly interrupted by a firm palm covering her mouth while she was pulled into a dimly-lit cleaning closet.

Adalyn looked up at her captor, who was pushing her against the door she had been swiftly pulled through. Staring at the angel before her who held her body spellbound, she could see this was no angel of the light; this angel was of the dark, and his eyes held a promise of wickedness unlike any she had seen before.

“You’re not going to scream, are you?” he asked coolly, already removing the tatted hand from her mouth, which indicated his words weren’t really a question but an observation.

“How did you know I wouldn’t?” Her brow rose. Any other girl he would have pulled into this closet would have in a second.

Angel’s dark eyes traveled over her face. “Because you’re not scared.”

It was true; she wasn’t.

She was unable to keep her eyes off the fascinating man. “And how do you know that?”

A smile started to upturn one side of his lips. “You came into Lucca Caruso’s office, skipping and smiling, so you’re either really fucking stupid or you don’t scare easily.” With the hand holding her wrist, he began traveling slowly up her arm. “Let’s find out, shall we?”

Adalyn stood dangerously still, wondering what he was going to do, until he stopped his hand over her throat, his thumb catching her pulse.

“Strong … and steady.”

It was hard for her not to melt into his light grip. Bad boys were her weakness, and fuck if he didn’t seem like the pinnacle of one.

Trying to stay collected being this close to him, she licked her dry lips. “Well, you must not scare easily either, considering you stole from him.”

The slight smile on his face seemed to vanish. “I took something that didn’t belong to him.”

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