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Angel (Made Men 5)

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Clearing his throat, he moved up in the line. “What movie did you and your boyfriend come to see?”

“Huh?” Turning to see an intimidating Todd, she laughed. “Oh, he’s not my boyfrie—”

“There you are!” A brunette came up to Kayne, smiling.

Kayne seemed off guard at first, like he hadn’t expected her. “Hey, Kendra.”

Adjusting her fur coat, Maria quickly realized they were here to see a movie together.

A moment of awkward silence passed between them.

“Kendra, this is Maria.”

“Is she one of your students?” the brunette asked.

“No,” he corrected her before a corner of his mouth slightly lifted. “We just seem to run into each other.”

“Yes, we do.” Maria chuckled.

It’s strange, she thought as she looked at the sexy golden man.

She almost forgot about the woman standing beside him, too enthralled at the spark she felt between them. It was why she had run into him again, but this time on purpose. She had wanted to see if she felt that again. Never having it before with any other person, she had missed it, dreamt about it nightly, almost forgetting what it had felt like until she saw his silhouette at the back of the line. That was when she had found herself running into him, wanting to see if she could get that feeling back.

“I think it’s our turn,” Kendra interrupted their staring.

“Right. Well, it was good seeing you again, Maria, and hopefully, I’ll run into you sometime again,” he ended with another smile.

“Hopefully,” she wished, watching him walk away with his hand at the small of the woman’s back.

That was when she felt it. A twitch … in her cold … dead … heart.

Watching Maria walk away so quickly, Adalyn found it odd that she would so willingly give up her ticket to get one for herself, but she wasn’t able to put much thought into it because of the escalading feelings going on around her.

“Do you want some popcorn?” Angel asked her.

“I do.” Lake smiled.

So did Elle. “Me, too.”

The boys clearly didn’t like the girls’ responses, so they each pushed their women along to the popcorn and candy stand. However, Vincent was the one who threw Angel a hot glance. “We got this. Come on, Adalyn.”

She didn’t know what he expected, but she didn’t move as she watched the back of him get smaller. She figured he was going to be really surprised when he found out she hadn’t followed him like a good little sister.

Looking up at Angel, she couldn’t help laughing. “I don’t think they like you very much, especially my brother.”

“That one’s your brother?” he asked, shocked, as he watched Vincent drag Lake along.


“You two look nothing alike.”

You mean, he’s ridiculously good-looking and I’m not?

“That’s because we’re stepbrother and sister.”

Putting a hand on her arm to lead her toward the popcorn stand, he mumbled under his breath, “Well, that’s good.”

“Huh?” Unable to hear with all the people, she’d missed what he had said.

“Do you want butter on your popcorn?”

“Oh yes, please.”

As they waited in one of the many lines, she couldn’t help feeling as if the longer she stood there, the more uncomfortable she became. Looking around for the source of her discomfort, her eyes landed on three tattooed males wearing grungy suits.

Instantly, her heart knew. Lucianos.

With her mouth dry from their intense staring, the words finally managed to come out, “Are they …?”

“Yes,” he answered her quickly and quietly without even turning his head to look at them. Pulling her to stand beside him, he blocked her from their view and their view of her. “Stop staring at them, sweetness.”

She snapped her head to the front, not needing to be told twice. Adalyn wasn’t sure if he told her that because her staring might piss them off, but she wasn’t eager to find out.

Catching her nerves, he tried to calm her. “They’re not going to hurt you as long as you keep your eyes to yourself.”

Welp, that answered that.

Something about this felt strange to her. She couldn’t ever remember seeing a Luciano before while she was out. If she had, they at least hadn’t made it obvious who they were. So, why now? Especially with it being the first time Angel and she went somewhere besides school.

“How come I’ve never seen a Luciano out before?”

“You’re only seeing them because they are checking to see if I’m okay and that the Carusos are holding up their end of the deal.”

“Oh.” Licking her lips, she supposed that should make her feel better. “So, that’s good, then, that they see you’re fine and alive?”

“Not exactly.” He took a step forward in line, maintaining his calm expression. “They see me with a Caruso girl, about to enjoy a movie. They’re looking at me how they look at Carusos.”

Every hair on her body stood up from his words. If they looked at him that way, one of Lucifer’s sons, that wasn’t good.

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