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One Night with Gael (Rival Brothers 2)

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‘Or the place? I beg to differ. I think this is exactly the time to show you what I can do. Isn’t that what you asked for last night? For me to show you what I can do? And weren’t your exact words something along the lines of, “You’re good. So very good”? So what changed your mind between last night and this morning? I think I deserve to know that at the very least, don’t you?’

His jaw clenched for one heart-stopping second. ‘If you know what’s good for you—’

She laughed—a bitter, spiky sound that didn’t feel one little bit natural. ‘What’s good for me? I think we both know I made one gross misjudgement after another when I chose to trust a single word you said. I may be an actress, Gael, but you were very good at pretending too. Maybe you should try your hand at acting. But I need two small favours from you, if you’d be so kind?’

His jaw clenched. ‘Sí?’ he said through gritted teeth.

‘First of all, the next time you come across me being mugged, do me a favour and keep walking. I’m absolutely sure I don’t need your brand of chivalry. And secondly...’

Darkened hazel eyes glared at her across the gleaming table. ‘Yes?’

She ripped open the envelope, pinched the dollar bills between her fingers and flung the whole lot across the table. ‘Take your sleazy money and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine!’

Beneath the flying bills, stunned silence gripped the whole room. Gael’s eyes blazed with incandescent rage.

Knowing she’d struck her mark, Goldie dramatically brushed her hands clean, then began to walk backwards, her eyes still connected with his, a triumphant smile curving her mouth. She’d clawed back some of her dignity. She might have cratered her career in the process, but that was a problem to be tackled another day. Her immediate problem for now was to find a way to get home. It looked as if she’d have to plough deeper into her meagre savings for a taxi ride after all—

The sound of applause froze her thoughts and her feet. Her mouth dropped open as more hands joined in with the clapping. On the screen, the man she now recognised as a famous director pumped his fist, his face split into a wide grin as he pointed an accusing finger at Gael.

‘Gael, you sly, brilliant man! You spend twenty minutes laying into me for the delay to the production when all along you had this up your sleeve?’ The man barked out another laugh, before turning his gaze to Goldie. ‘You—Goldie Whoever-you-are—just made my day! I can already see the headlines...not that I court them of course. The media will lap you right up. Nothing captures the moviegoing public’s imagination more than a newbie blowing their socks off. I don’t think it’s too premature to say welcome to the team—’

‘Ethan, shut up for a moment,’ Gael bit out, his gaze still locked on her.

He hadn’t so much as moved a muscle since she’d flung his money in his face. And with each moment that passed she feared the look in his eyes would erupt into actual flames.

She’d made her point. She needed to get out of here. Fast. Despite the crazy talk spewing from the mouth of the award-winning director. Another step back brought her to the double doors.

‘Come on. You trusted me with this project, Gael. Gave me carte blanche to find the best actress for the lead character. I know my broken leg hasn’t helped matters, but—’ he tipped his head towards Goldie, another smile splitting his face ‘—with this gem you’ve discovered we can start production almost immediately.’

Goldie frowned. ‘I... What...? I don’t know what you’re talking—’

‘Gentlemen, ladies—excuse me for a few minutes, por favor?’ Gael interrupted once more.

He was rounding the table in quick, purposeful strides, his eyes cutting into her, silencing any further speech she could muster. Galvanised by the look in his eyes, she turned sharply, slammed her hands against the door in her rush to escape. When it opened she rushed through with fast, skin-saving strides towards the lift.

She’d poked the dragon in his den. Woken it. No need to stick around and watch the resulting inferno.

She reached the lift doors just as hands closed over her arms. Turned her firmly around.

Burnished eyes blazed down at her. ‘You think you can create a spectacle like that and get away scot-free?’ he seethed.

‘It was nothing short of what you deserved,’ she launched back, her hands going to the hands holding her prisoner in a bid to prise them off her. ‘Let me go.’

He dragged her close and fired under his breath, ‘Not until you’re made to understand the consequences of what you did back there.’

‘Whatever they are, they were worth it,’ she returned defiantly.

A dark cloud descended on his face. ‘Are you sure?’

‘Yes, I’m one hundred per cent sure! Let me go, Gael.’

Behind her the lift door pinged open.

‘Take a minute, Goldie. Think about what you’re doing. Any hint that what you have just done wasn’t an audacious audition could spell the end of your career. Are you prepared to take the risk?’

/> ‘To make my point that I’m not a whore you leave money on the bed for when you’re done? Absolutely.’

His nostrils flared and a look passed through his eyes. Regret, maybe? Or surprise? She gritted her teeth.

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