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One Night with Gael (Rival Brothers 2)

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Ten minutes later they set off, and Goldie found herself smiling again as the stunning landscape unfolded before her.

Ethan caught her smile. ‘Is this your first time in Africa?’ he asked.

‘No, but it’s my first to this part of Africa, and my first time when I know I’ll keep a vivid recollection of it,’ she answered.

He frowned. ‘You’ve lost me.’

She laughed, although the sound was tinged with a deep-rooted sadness. ‘I’m half-Ghanaian, but my last visit to my father’s homeland was when I was a child. I don’t remember much of it, and I haven’t had a chance to visit since then, for various reasons.’

‘Oh, right...’ There was a note of sympathy in Ethan’s voice but he didn’t probe further, for which she was grateful.

They arrived at the location of the shoot and were greeted by the animal handler who would be keeping an eye on the cheetah needed for this scene. None of the animals in the private game reserve were tame, but one or two had been hand-reared due to injury. One in particular, a gorgeous, graceful cheetah named Asha, had won a part in the movie.

Goldie kept a respectful distance from the animal as she was readied. When she got her cue she made sure her running shoes were laced properly and waited for Ethan’s signal.

Being chased by a semi-tame cheetah was in equal parts terrifying and exhilarating. Doing it three times, until Ethan was happy and before the sun dipped into the horizon, was a touch nerve-racking. But she managed it, and delivered her lines alongside the actor playing Alfonso, then smiled widely when she got a fist-pump of approval from Ethan.

‘Scene Three is officially in the bag. Although I would never recommend getting chased by a wild animal in the savannah as a way to meet the love of your life for the first time.’

Amid the laughter and high fives for a job well done, Goldie looked up. And saw Gael lounging against the hood of the four-wheel drive furthest away from the cluster of crew vehicles.

* * *


watched her eyes widen as she spotted him. Shock was swiftly replaced by deep wariness as she stared at him. The wide smile on her face from a moment ago faded to nothing.

He ignored the tiny spurt of regret that look elicited and shoved his hands into his pockets. It was only a matter of time before the rest of the cast and crew noted his presence. Gael had wanted a quiet moment before he was interrupted. He’d had his quiet moment, but he’d used it to question why he was here at all.

Sure, Alejandro and the Ishikawa brothers—his partners—had questioned him extensively on how the project was going, and he had promised them an update. But he could easily have video-conferenced with Ethan for a full report, as he’d done in the weeks since the project had got underway. He hadn’t needed to fly for almost a day to inspect proceedings for himself.

But, hell, he was here now. And he didn’t want to examine why, for the first time since he’d reached adulthood, he’d gone for a long stretch without taking a woman to his bed. He didn’t want to examine why the only woman who seemed to stir his senses was the woman he’d shared a stunningly memorable night with. One who wanted nothing to do with him. One he knew deep in his gut he needed to stay away from.

And yet here he was...

He watched Goldie glance around her, as if she was debating whether to acknowledge or ignore his presence. Gael smiled to himself. He’d give himself a wide berth too if he could—especially after the few weeks he’d had.

It had started with his visit to Chicago three weeks ago, and Alejandro asking him to be his best man. It had gone downhill from there.

Every aspect of the Atlas Group’s business was running like a well-oiled machine. And yet he couldn’t focus—couldn’t get past the thought that the past seemed to be on a collision course with his future: namely in the form of the father he’d put out of his life and his mind a very long time ago.

When, at the end of a fraught business meeting, Alejandro had suggested Gael return to his home base in Silicon Valley to get his head straight he’d wholeheartedly agreed, jumped on his plane—and headed to South Africa instead.

And now the woman who’d taken up more of his thoughts than he was even marginally happy with was trying to pretend he didn’t exist.

The crew were beginning to pack up. Ethan spotted him and waved, but Gael’s cool nod as he approached Goldie thankfully kept the other man away.

He reached her. Stared down at her. Her nostrils quivered slightly as she stared boldly up at him. The African sun had lent her skin an even more vibrant tone, which made her stunning violet eyes more vivid and alluring. Recalling how silky her skin was, how warm and enthralling it had felt to touch her, he was glad his hands were deep in his pockets. His senses were poised on the edge as it was. He didn’t want to add touching where it wasn’t wanted to his list of things to deal with. But not touching didn’t mean he couldn’t look his fill.

His gaze raked the khaki-coloured dress she wore with a tightly cinched belt that emphasised her small waist, then her bare legs and the ankle boots adorning her feet. She looked capable and utilitarian—as her part demanded. But with the shoot over she’d let her hair loose, and dark gold corkscrew curls bounced over her shoulders. Again the memory of having his fist locked in those waves tore through him, powerful and fierce. He clenched his gut against the sensation.

‘It’s good to see you, Goldie.’

‘Is it?’ She stopped, pursed her lips and shook her head. ‘No. Sorry—I promised myself the next time I saw you I’d make an extra effort to be civil, so here goes.’ She took a deep breath. ‘Thank you for sorting out the sober companion for my mother. You didn’t have to, but I really appreciate you doing, thanks.’

He allowed the smile that tugged at his lips—the smile that had been nearly non-existent these last few weeks—to filter through. ‘You’re welcome. I wanted to give you peace of mind. I trust everything’s going well in that department?’

She nodded, her eyes rising from where they had settled on his chest to meet his. She even deigned to offer a tiny smile. ‘Yes, they’re getting on like a house on fire, or so I’m told.’

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