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One Night with Gael (Rival Brothers 2)

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Alarm and more than a touch of breathlessness stabbed her. ‘In theory, I guess...’

His harsh laugh made her wince. ‘No, Goldie, not in theory. In fact.’

Her stomach flipped. ‘What are you implying?’

His mouth twisted. ‘You were a virgin the last time we were together, but surely you don’t need me to draw you a picture of what happens on the night following a wedding?’

She flushed, but boldly met his gaze. ‘Of course not. Except I’m certain that picture doesn’t apply to us.’

He slowly straightened, his chest rising and falling in measured breathing as he closed the gap between them. Goldie willed herself to stay still and not bolt the way her senses were screaming at her to.

‘Explain to me how you arrived at this interesting conclusion?’ he invited, his tone deceptively casual.

The dark gleam in his eyes said he was very much interested in her answer. And that it had better be to his liking. Or else.

She licked suddenly dry lips and searched for clarifying words. ‘We’re doing this for the baby, aren’t we? And will just cloud the issue. Blur the lines.’

He gave a hard, short laugh. ‘So let me get this straight. You’re perfectly content to condemn yourself to a nunlike existence for the next five years, and presumably you expect me to willingly subject myself to the same sexless fate?’ he asked, his voice reflecting how ludicrous the idea was.

Goldie opened her mouth, shut it, then shook her head, confusion and exasperation filling her. ‘This is why I wanted more time before we jumped into marriage. These are things we should’ve discussed beforehand—’

‘So we could waste hours or days arguing it to death before you saw reason and gave in?’

Hurt and anger firmed her mouth. ‘I’m not a shrew, Gael. I’d thank you not to make me out as one.’

‘Very well. Tell me in simple terms that your assumption is ridiculous and we can progress with our wedding night.’

‘There isn’t going to be a wedding night! We have a deal. Sex isn’t part of it.’

His nostrils flared and his eyes blazed with quiet fury. ‘Only because I didn’t think I needed to spell out so obvious and fundamental a point.’

‘I’m sorry it’s such an important thing for you. It’s not to me.’

He rocked back on his heels, his features freezing like ice. ‘I see. You get what you want out of the deal and to hell with the rest—is that it?’

‘What are you talking about? I said yes because we both wanted—’

His hand slashed through the air. ‘Save it, cara. We both know that fifty million dollars and a guaranteed five box office hit movies had a big hand in you eventually saying yes.’

Raw ice doused her. ‘What did you say?’

‘Your hearing is perfect, Goldie,’ he drawled. ‘And I’m finished with talking.’

Her mouth was still gaping open when he took the last step and untied the belt of her dressing gown. The silk slid off her shoulders without much effort, leaving her in an emerald-green negligee.

Before Goldie could protest, one firm hand slid over her nape. He pushed her back onto the bed and prowled over her to plant his knees on either side of her hips. In the next instant his mouth plunged, hot and heavy and demanding, over hers, his tongue stabbing between her lips to take and ravage hers.

Her shock dissipated under the flames of his arrogant, unstinting caress. Despite a large part of her brain reeling under the accusation he’d flung at her, she couldn’t help but moan when one hand boldly cupped her engorged, sensitive breast. Her breasts seemed to have grown a size bigger almost overnight, their tips super-sensitive as pregnancy hormones ran riot through her. Gael was clearly appreciative of her new size, and his moans grew more guttural as impatient fingers brushed aside the straps and yanked the top part of the negligee down her arms.

He broke the kiss to stare down at her full breasts. Eyes firing a burnished gold, he took the globes in his palms and toyed mercilessly with the nerve-engorged peaks.

Her head went back as she arched under the exquisite assault. Goldie knew she shouldn’t be enjoying herself this much, that what he’d said to her needed to be addressed immediately, but the sensations zinging through her body, arrowing demandingly between her thighs, were too thrilling to stop.

She cried out as his mouth closed over one stiff nipple. Several expert flicks had her hips twitching, her breath shooting out in shameless pants as liquid heat ploughed through her. Back and forth he alternated his attention between the stiff peaks. Sent her right to the edge of bliss.

And then it did stop.

The loss of sensation was so acute she whimpered. The sound shamed her even as she launched her fingers up to stay him, and eyes she didn’t remember shutting flew open.

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