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Back To The Future, Part II

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How did you explain something like that to someone without sounding absolutely crazy?

But everything was all right - in a way it had never been before, with his parents, with Biff, and the truck, too! He looked back at the house and smiled.

‘Oh, yeah!’ he answered her. ‘Everything is great.'

It was especially great, with Jennifer, here and now. He hadn't realised, until this moment, how much he had missed her when he had been in the past. But he would make up for all that, and more, now that he was back where he belonged.

He put his arms around Jennifer. She put her arms , around him. They looked into each other’s eyes.

Marty leaned his head forward toward Jennifer's slightly opened lips. He closed his eyes.

Jennifer would never believe how long he had waited for this kiss.

Their eyes opened abruptly as not one, not two, but three sonic booms rocked the driveway on which they stood.

Marty knew those sonic booms all too well. He looked around for the source of the noise, and saw Doc Brown pull the DeLorean into the driveway.

But both Doc and the DeLorean were different! For one thing, the car had a new addition to its rear deck, right above the engine, a white canister labelled ‘Mr Fusion'. And Doc (as white-haired and dishevelled as ever - at least that was the same!) was dressed in even wilder clothes than he usually wore; a metallic yellow shirt covered by a long orange robe.

Doc jumped from the car.

‘Marty!’ he called frantically. ‘You’ve got to come back with me!’

Marty looked from Jennifer to Doc and back again. Back with Doc? In the time machine? He had thought this was all over!

‘Where?’ Marty asked.

‘Back to the future!’ Doc replied, as if going to the future were the most obvious thing in the world. The inventor didn’t wait for Marty’s answer, but walked Quickly to the garbage can by the side of the driveway. He threw off the lid and began rifling through the can’s contents.

‘Wait a minute!’ Marty called. ‘What are you doin’, Doc?’

Doc picked up a banana skin and a crushed beer can. ‘I need fuel!’ He carried the trash over to the ‘Mr Fusion’ canister, dumped in the banana skin remaining beer, then - after a moment’s thought the beer can, too.

‘Go ahead!’ he shouted to Marty. ‘Quick, get in the car!’

Doc really wanted Marty to go to the future? But Marty couldn’t! Not now. not after all he'd been through!

‘No, no, no. Doc,’ Marty objected with a shake of his head. ‘I just got here. Jennifer’s here!’ He waved at the Toyota in the garage. ‘We’re gonna take this new truck out for a spin.’

Doc paused in his garbage collection for a moment to stare at both of them intently. ‘Well, bring her along! This concerns her, too!’

This concerned both of them?

Marty looked at Jennifer. She looked back at him.

‘Wait a minute, Doc!’ Marty interrupted. This might be more serious than he had thought. ‘What are you talking about? What happens to us in the future? Do we become assholes or something?’

Doc hesitated for a second: should he tell them the truth? Then he blinked rapidly and shook his head. ‘No, no, you and Jennifer both turn out fine. It’s your kids, Marty. Something’s got to be done about your kids!’

Our kids?

Marty looked at Jennifer.

Jennifer looked at Marty.

Our kids?

They both got in the car.

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