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Campus Heartthrob (The Campus Series)

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But to each their own, right?

“I’m sure it hurts to see him get serious with another girl,” I say carefully. I’m not a totally heartless bitch. I get it.

More importantly, I want her to get it.

Kira’s gaze jerks back to me. “It sucks to be hung up on someone who doesn’t want you.”

The more I talk to this girl, the less crazy she sounds.

“You’re right,” I sigh, “it does. I’ve been there.” And here I thought that Kira and I wouldn’t have anything in common. Turns out that we do. We both, at one time, crushed hard on Brayden.

Her eyes widen as she scoffs, “Oh, come on. You couldn’t possibly know what that’s like! Not only are you gorgeous, but you’re a really talented soccer player. You can have any guy you want!”

I almost snort. “It might seem that way on the outside, but trust me, that’s not the case. I’ve struggled with relationships. In fact,” I admit, “I wasn’t interested in getting together with anyone after my last boyfriend. I was going to take a much-needed break from men.”

Her eyes go a little dreamy. “And now you’re with Brayden.”

Umm, right.

I blink, remembering that this is nothing more than a part I’m playing. “I guess what they say is true—when you’re least expecting someone to come into your life, that’s when it happens.” When she remains silent, I continue. “There are plenty of guys on this campus who would be thrilled to be with you. Do yourself a favor and don’t chase after someone who can’t see how amazing you are.”

Kira draws in a deep breath as her gaze meanders to something—or, more than likely, someone—over my shoulder before she jerks her head into a nod. Emotion flickers across her face before her gaze returns to mine. “Thanks, Sydney. I appreciate you talking to me.”

“Just remember, you and I aren’t adversaries.” I shift my weight and say gently, “At least, we don’t have to be.”

One corner of her mouth hitches as she nods. “You’re right. We’re not enemies. I’m going to head to class. I’ll see you inside.”

“Sounds good. Bye, Kira.”

She raises her hand in a wave before walking up the wide stone stairs and disappearing through the glass door inside the brick building.

I don’t realize that Brayden has snuck up on me until he says, “Wow. That went better than expected. I was half-afraid a cat fight was about to break out.” There’s a pause. “What did you say to her?”

I spear a glance in his direction. “That you were on your third round of antibiotic treatment for a particularly stubborn case of chlamydia, and that she can do better.”

His mouth falls open but not a sound escapes. It takes everything I have inside to rein in the laughter that bubbles up from my lips before walking away.

I get about three steps when he calls out, “You better be joking.”

“You wanted her to leave you alone. I’m pretty sure that did the trick.” I give a little bow. “You’re welcome.”

With a smile simmering around the edges of my lips, I follow Kira into the building, leaving Brayden to stand outside all by his lonesome.

Chapter Fifteen


The light rap of knuckles against the door has the nerves bursting to life inside the confines of my belly as I jump from the couch and jog to the tiny entryway before pulling open the door. It’s not a surprise when I find Brayden standing on the other side of the threshold.

“Hey,” he says in greeting, dark gaze piercing mine.

I tamp down any attraction attempting to fight its way to the surface, all the while pretending it doesn’t exist. Every time we see each other, it becomes increasingly more difficult to do. Brayden and I have never spent this much time together. When we’ve been forced into close proximity, I’ve always made a concerted effort to battle back the unwanted feelings he rouses inside me. Now, it’s happening on the daily, and it’s a little more than I can handle. Everything feels like it’s building inside me and I’m afraid of what will happen once it reaches a pinnacle.

I blow out a breath and push those unruly thoughts away. Nothing will happen that I don’t want. “Thanks for coming over.”

He shrugs. “Got to hold up my end of the deal, right?”

Yes. That’s exactly what this is. A deal. I’m not sure why I have to keep reminding myself of this. It shouldn’t be difficult. I spent years hating on Brayden. Snarling at him whenever he wandered too close. Now that it’s no longer the case, my emotions are strangely scattered and I’m uncertain what to make of them. There’s a part of me that detests the confusion. It was so much easier when I knew what to expect or how to react to him.

Brayden shifts his stance before clearing his throat. “So, you gonna let me in or what?”

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