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Campus Heartthrob (The Campus Series)

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“Nice to see you at the game, Kendricks,” Coach says from the other side of Rowan where he’s seated.

“Yup, just coming out to support the Wildcats.”

He nods, his gaze refocusing on the field. In the three plus years I’ve been at Western, I don’t think Coach has ever missed a game. He’s always here, supporting his daughter.

Everyone rises for the National Anthem before the announcer goes through the starting lineup for each team and then the game gets underway. I’ve never attended a women’s soccer match. I’m a little surprised to realize how fast paced the action is. Both the ball and the girls are in constant motion, running from one side of the field to the other. My head is on a swivel with the continuous movement. And these girls aren’t afraid to get a little physical. Especially Sydney. A smirk settles on my face as she throws an elbow. When a ref warns her with a yellow card, she lifts her hands in the air like she doesn’t understand what she got called for. Like she was just out there, minding her own business.

A smile curls around the edges of my lips.

That’s my girl, all right.

Well...technically speaking, she’s my girl, but not really.

From the moment the game begins until the buzzer sounds at the end of the second half, I find myself perched on the edge of my seat, gaze locked on the action. And there’s plenty of it. I knew Sydney was an athlete, but I had no idea she was so talented. It’s like she’s got a motor tied to her ass. She never stops, gets gassed, or winded. Barely does she come out to guzzle down water before she’s running back onto the turf. I’m exhausted just watching her.

Demi scores two goals. Each time the ball hits the net, Coach jumps to his feet and cheers, whistling like his life depends on it. I can’t help but follow suit. It’s almost a shock when two hours slip by with the Wildcats managing to pull off a win by the skin of their teeth. It’s a hard-fought game. One they should be proud of.

What amazes me most is how much I actually enjoyed watching the match. Staring at Sydney while she makes moves on the field was certainly no hardship. I’ve always admired her spunk, but it’s so much more than that. She’s hard-core competitive, and as an athlete, I can totally respect that.

My gaze follows the blonde firecracker as she heads off the field and disappears inside the locker room with her teammates. I’ve always found Sydney to be smart and beautiful with a feisty personality to match. But there’s so much more to her that I’m only now discovering. Her talent as an artist has blown me away and now watching her on the field...

What can’t this girl do?

I have a newfound appreciation and respect for how relentlessly she must train to maintain that level of endurance. I work hard to stay in shape and make it through a three-and-a-half-hour game every week, but I suspect she could run circles around me. She has a ton of stamina. It’s impressive.

And yeah, hot as hell.

It does the impossible and somehow makes me want her more than I already do.

I have no idea how this fake relationship will end. What I do know is that if Sydney is involved, it’ll be interesting.

Chapter Seventeen


Demi’s arm is slung around my shoulders as we walk out of the locker room. As exhausted as I am, I’m flying high from that win. That was a tough game. There’s nothing better than a victory on the field. Especially one that comes down to the wire and could go either way. With every second that ticked by, the crowd’s cheers grew louder, pumping even more adrenaline through my body and giving me the extra boost I needed.

As a team, we worked like a well-oiled machine. Now we just need to keep performing at this level and we’ll make it to the playoffs and, hopefully, championship. It’ll be the perfect end to my soccer career. Unlike Demi, I won’t be going on to play in the National Women’s Soccer League.

“I’m starving.” Now that the game is over and my nerves have dissolved, my appetite has rushed back to fill the void. Not wanting to be weighed down on the field, I never eat much before a game. Maybe a protein bar for energy. With the match behind us, my empty belly grumbles, searching for sustenance.

“Looks like Brayden stuck around,” Demi says, knocking me from my thoughts of food.

My head snaps up and my surprised gaze locks on his dark one. Awareness scuttles down my spine, making every nerve ending crackle with energy. “What’s he doing here?”

“He was in the stands the entire time, watching with Rowan and Dad. I thought you realized it.”

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