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Scandalous Deception (Russian Connection 1)

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Brianna flushed with annoyance. “Not nearly so innocent as I once was,” she pointed out tartly.

Vanya patted her hand. “My dear, may I give you some advice?”

“If you wish.”

Vanya’s lips twitched, as if she sensed Brianna was struggling to remain polite.

“I have never claimed to be extraordinarily wise, but life has taught me a few hard-earned lessons,” she said in a soft, haunted tone. “The most important being that love is a rare and wonderful gift that you should never take for granted.”

Brianna gritted her teeth against the tide of pain that slammed into her at the memory of Edmond’s stark refusal to even consider her as his bride.

He could not have made his lack of regard more clear if he

had etched it in stone.

“Edmond does not love me.”

“Actually, I am not nearly so certain as you, but I do not refer only to accepting the love of others, but to allowing love to grow in your own heart.” Vanya’s eyes became misty with remembered pain. “In my fear and pride, I closed off my feelings for my daughter, not to mention a good and decent man who has offered me nothing but unwavering loyalty. Do not make my mistake, Brianna. Do not deny the emotions that fill your heart. That path leads only to regret.”

Brianna determinedly ignored the faint chill at Vanya’s dire warning, and instead concentrated upon the woman who clearly still mourned her past.

Unlike herself, Vanya possessed a man who loved her beyond all measure. A man who wanted nothing more than to have her as his wife.

“It is not too late, Vanya,” Brianna insisted softly, not surprised when the older woman firmly pulled her hand free and rose from the mattress. “Mr. Monroe adores you, and I do not doubt he will forgive you if only you would give him the opportunity.”

“But first I must forgive myself, my dear.” A wistful smile touched Vanya’s lips as she moved toward the door. “At least think upon my words. Edmond is pacing the floor outside. He is rather desperate to see you.”

“No.” Brianna gave a sharp shake of her head, only to wince in pain as she unwittingly jarred her tender shoulder. “No, I do not want to speak with him.”

“Very well.” Vanya heaved a faint sigh. “Just rest, my dear. All will be fine.”

All will be fine?

Brianna shivered as Vanya stepped from the room and closed the door.


EDMOND LEANED WEARILY AGAINST the mantle as he waited for Vanya to leave Brianna’s bedchamber. He could feel the rasp of his whiskers against his palms and knew that he must look nearly as bad as he felt.

He could not remember the last time he had slept, or eaten. Certainly not in the past two days. Still, he could not force himself to leave Brianna’s chambers. Not until he had managed to…

To what?

His dark broodings were interrupted as the connecting door was thrust open and Vanya left the bedchamber. Edmond walked forward, but not swiftly enough. Before he was even halfway across the room, the wily woman had turned the key in the lock and tucked it into her pocket.

“How is she? Is she awake? Did she eat?”

Vanya gave a lift of her brows. “She is weak, but awake. And yes, she did eat.”

“Then I will visit her.”

He held out an imperious hand for the key.

“No, Edmond, she does not want to see you.”

“Dammit, Vanya, I need to be with her.”

Vanya skirted past Edmond’s looming form to pour herself a small glass of sherry.

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