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Fourth Down (Portland Pioneers 1)

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“Huh,” is all I can manage to say. “So, you came over here to kiss me like that and leave?”

He looks at me oddly and scratches the back of his neck. “Yeah, I guess so. Want me to do it again?” Julius leans toward me. I put my hand on his chest to stop him. He smirks and pushes a bit but finally gives up.

“You’re mean,” I tell him.

“I’m sorry. Can I make it up to you?”


He shrugs. “Come to the game tomorrow?”

“How is me coming to your game making it up?”

Julius shrugs again and decides that batting his eyelashes might get him his desired answer. He’s right, it probably will, but I need to find the strength to ignore his wily ways.

“It’s not. It’s a way for me to see you again tomorrow. I’m going to be honest here. I’d like to see you at my game. I can leave a ticket for you at will call.”

“I have to work tomorrow, but I’ll keep it in mind.”

“Okay,” he says as he places his hand on my waist. He pulls me in for a kiss. It’s short but full of intent. There’s no question in my mind about how we feel toward one another. “If I don’t see you tomorrow, I’ll call you when I get home.”

“Good luck.”

“Thanks.” Julius kisses me again and then rushes down the hall. I stand in the doorway, watching him. When he gets to the elevator, he yells, “Get back inside before I come back there.”

I shake my head and close the door. I stay here, leaning against it with my fingers touching my lips. Julius’s scruff has left a little bit of razor burn, and I like it probably more than I should.

Now that I’m up and thinking about Julius, I’m too wired to sit back and down to read. I start to get ready for dinner by doing my make-up and hair, all while creating a list in my mind of things I want to ask Peyton about the team. I’m curious now since Julius mentioned the rules. I hadn’t ever thought about them before.

Peyton and I are meeting halfway between our places. It’s a three-block walk, but the evening air is chilly, and I hate that it’s dark out, but am very thankful for the streetlights and the open businesses. I’m still a bit wary of my surroundings, and Aiden’s words still replay in my mind when I’m out at night.

When I reach the restaurant, Peyton is sitting on the bench in the vestibule. Along with her brother and Noah’s dad.

Cue massive freak out.

“Hey,” she says as she stands. “You remember my brother, Quinn, and my father-in-law, Liam?”

“How could I forget?” Literally, there is no forgetting that my one friend here is music royalty. I extend my hand, and we all shake. “It’s nice to see you again. In town for the game?”

“Yes, it’s not often that we miss them,” Liam says.

“Noah must love having you there.”

“He does,” Peyton says.

Her brother excuses himself and goes to the podium to let the restaurant know we’re here for our reservation. Peyton chose an American bar and grill type place for us to have dinner. The eatery looks packed, and it’s loud. A million things run through my mind right now, mostly will we have an enjoyable conversation, or will the noise level make us yell?

Quinn motions for us to follow him and the hostess. Instantly, I notice how he walks—with his head down. I turn and look over my shoulder and find Liam doing the same. I also see they’re both wearing ball caps to try and hide their identity. I wonder if I would’ve recognized them if they hadn’t been sitting with Peyton? I’m not sure I would have. But I’m also not looking for celebrities.

As we walk to the table, I hear my name. There is some finger-pointing, but I ignore it. When a little boy waves at me, I wave back. I had some of this in North Dakota, but not to this extent. Leon Woolworth has gone above and beyond to introduce me to the Rose City, and people have taken notice.

After we sit and the host has left the table, Liam starts laughing. I look at him quickly and then to Peyton, wondering what inside joke I’ve missed. “I must’ve missed something.”

“Not at all,” Liam says. “It’s nice not being the one cat-called and pointed at for once.”

“Oh.” I look around the table, only to see everyone staring at me. “The ratings say I’m popular.”

“She’s fabulous,” Peyton adds. “Noah says the guys talk about the weather all the time now. She’s giving men a reason to pay attention.”

“You’re making me sound like some sort of sex symbol.”

Everyone laughs. “It’s a hard life, but someone has to do it,” Quinn says as Peyton elbows him.

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