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Their Property (Four Mercenaries 3)

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The floor in the middle of the arena parted, leaving sand to sprinkle underground as a cage rose to the surface, inch by inch. Pyro’s hand squeezed Clover’s just as the lion emerged, its massive muzzle twisted in response to the aggressive lights and noise. But then its attention settled on Tank, and it gave a bone-shaking roar, sinking low when one of the barred walls lifted, offering the animal the freedom to hunt.

Pyro couldn’t have held him any more firmly, but the comfort of his touch meant nothing if Clover was to see a man he loved more than his own life ripped to shreds like so many others before him. It had been a nauseating spectacle so far, but Tank, who’d sacrificed so much to keep Clover safe could not die. He couldn’t.

His gaze darted to Drake and Boar again, but they were moving far too slowly. If they managed to take Apollo hostage, it would create chaos and give them leverage, but the wild animal below wouldn’t care about the life of its master. Disturbed by the unnatural situation and hungry, it was likely to go for the kill regardless of the events above. With what was at risk, even Drake’s swift movements appeared to be like those of a snail in a pool of tar.

The lion’s roar forced Clover’s heart into a staccato beat, and he moved before he could even think. Pyro tried to keep holding his hand, but Clover managed to slide it out of the sweaty grip and descended between men and women thirsty for Tank’s blood, jumping to the lower level of the seating gallery.

He was so frightened even the water he’d drank rose in his throat, urging him to throw up, but if there ever was a time to shake off the terror Apollo had instilled in him, it was now. Tank’s life was at stake. As much as Clover hated what he was about to do, there was no doubt in his mind that it was the right choice.

The lion swished its tail and took two steps forward, gauging whether Tank was a threat or his next meal. Despite Tank’s size, the danger was palpable. It would only take those teeth digging into an artery for Tank to bleed out in front of the deranged crowd. If that happened, Tank would become yet another victim of Clover’s fight for personal freedom, and he did not deserve such a sacrifice.

With his heart in his throat, Clover reached the fence under the lowest row of seats, deaf to the screams around him. All he could see was Tank squaring his shoulders, focused on the lion as if he believed himself capable of fighting the beast off.

Clover climbed over the barrier and jumped to the ledge on the other side before leaping into the arena.

As soon as his sneakers hit the sand, he pulled off his brown wig, releasing the white hair, and looked up toward Apollo, acutely aware of the lion scowling his way as it assessed the second antelope in its enclosure. The predatory gaze was hot and so sharp Clover felt as if the animal were tasting his blood already, but he had nothing more to lose.

He couldn’t let Tank die because of him.

But before he could have completed that thought in his head, Tank came out of nowhere and grabbed his arm. “What are you doing?” he asked, watching Clover with bloodshot eyes, even though at this point he couldn’t keep Clover away.

Clover was here to at least try to save Tank, but when their gazes met after such a long time apart, all he wanted was to hide in the firm chest. He swallowed and offered his lover a soft smile before glancing at the lion, which watched them from the other side of the arena. The animal hadn’t yet made its decision, so if Clover wanted a chance at survival, he needed to reach for it now, no matter how much fear contorted his body on the inside.

He knew he would die here, but he couldn’t accept Tank’s sacrifice.

He pulled on Tank and stepped toward Apollo’s box, his gaze fixed on the source of the vilest things he’d witnessed in his life. Now, in the middle of an arena where so many people died horrific deaths tonight, fear was only an afterthought when he called out the name of the man responsible.

Even the crowd quieted, greedy for fresh human drama about to play out in front of them. “You wanted me! Here I am. I was the one who killed your sister! Take me.”

The world around him had moved all too fast before, but now it ground to a halt. The scent of blood mixed with that of damp sand choked him, but he was ready to accept his fate, if that was what it took. He’d been dealt a bad hand in life, and there was no reason for him to drag down Tank or anyone else. Tank would hate him for it, but he wasn’t the only man willing to protect his family at any cost.

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