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Their Property (Four Mercenaries 3)

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Clover groaned, unable to stay still in Tank’s lap. Every time Tank pushed him like this, Clover’s mind turned into aroused mush. “I am, I want to feel your cock, Daddy.”

“Go on, Clover! Show us what you’re made of,” Pyro cheered, his voice changing into a moan when Boar loudly sucked his dick back into his mouth.

How did Clover even end up in this fivesome-type situation? It didn’t matter. Everything about it felt too good for him to ever doubt his choices.

Drake’s hand squeezed in his hair and lifted him up for a hard kiss just as Tank’s thick digits slid out of Clover’s burning hole.

He gasped, ready for the burn of yet another slap, but was already moving, breathless and so overcome with need he couldn’t think straight. He made an attempt to straddle Tank, but three hands were there to turn him around so he sat in his Daddy’s lap facing everyone. It shouldn’t have been embarrassing. Clover wasn’t shy, and they’d all had sex countless times. But when Tank matter-of-factly grabbed Clover under the knees with his good hand and lifted his leg, Clover’s emotions melted into a simmering pot of restless excitement.

“This way. I want everyone to see how you moan for Daddy, how eager you are to take my cock. Drake, take off his pants.”

Tank still had his jeans on, but his erection couldn’t have been more obvious, bulging under Clover’s buttocks and begging for attention. Clover couldn’t wait to feel it push into him.

His breath caught when Drake approached him like a predator about to play with his meal. He grabbed Clover’s pants and underwear, dragging them off in one go. A second later, he even took care of Clover’s socks, before pushing between his spread thighs and biting Clover’s panting lips.

“You’re such a little sexpot. What should we do with you?”

“I think his dick could use some attention,” Pyro said from the side lines as if this was his personal cam show.

“Yes, please.” Clover whined into Drake’s lips, unable to be ashamed of his neediness anymore.

Tank bit on Clover’s ear and then whispered straight into it. “Ask Drake nicely. What do you want, Clover?”

Clover swallowed, forcing his eyes open to meet Drake’s face. “Please suck me.”

A cruel smile twisted Drake’s lips. “Not before you sit on your Daddy’s cock,” he said, and prompted Clover to raise his hips so he could gain access to Tank’s zipper.

Tank gasped into Clover’s ear, holding him closer to his chest when Drake released him, but once his hard dick slapped Clover’s buttocks, the wait became unbearable.

Clover loved to give Drake attitude, but that became somehow impossible whenever Tank was in the picture. His Daddy had a way of handling Clover that made him want to submit to everything from hand jobs to a punishing spanking.

The raspiness of Tank’s breath was the only music Clover needed when he wiggled in Tank’s lap with his legs spread so that everyone else could see him take that thick dick. Cheeks flushed, heart pounding, he wasn’t sure how to position himself, but Drake was there to help.

As Tank held Clover up, Drake grabbed hold of his dick and led it straight to Clover’s stretched hole. He moaned when the head plunged straight in with a harsh thrust of Tank’s hips.

“Ohh yes,” Drake whispered, grabbing Clover’s hips and pushing him lower, until his ass met Tank’s groin.

The thick cock stretched Clover so wonderfully that the intensity of sensations it evoked made him space out for a brief moment. But then he was back. In Tank’s arms. With a hard dick embedded in his greedy hole. With Drake rubbing his thighs. With Pyro and Boar watching as they caressed one another.

This was heaven.

Correction. Clover only crossed heaven’s threshold when Drake kneeled between his obscenely spread thighs and took Clover’s cock into that hot, wet mouth.

He groaned and his eyes rolled back. Tank slid his hand under Clover’s top and teased his nipples as he rocked his cock deeper into Clover.

The cast was a bit frustrating, since it didn’t allow Tank the usual range of movement, but Clover didn’t care. He dug his feet into the sofa and raised his hips to push deeper into Drake’s mouth.

The dark eyebrows rose in surprise, and Drake closed his eyes as Clover’s dick passed his gag reflex, but he didn’t complain and met Clover’s gaze when Tank followed, pushing up to bottom out in Clover’s hole.

“Oh fuck, you’re both impossible,” Tank whispered before pulling his teeth over Clover’s earlobe. It became clear what he meant when Drake’s knuckles met Clover’s ass, squeezed Tank’s balls.

Each time Tank thrust with his hips, drilling into Clover, he also pushed Clover up and into Drake’s mouth, as if he were fucking Drake’s throat by proxy. Clover had seen Drake give Tank head before, but this was a new level of hot. In this wonderful moment, Clover was the conductor between his two lovers, and he loved every second he spent impaled on Tank’s thick dick and encased by Drake’s eager lips.

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