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Captive Bride (The Dirty Kings of Vegas)

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“Some,” Peter says. “Things have changed in the Moretti family.”

Paul nods. “Tony Moretti’s dead.”

“Oh? What happened?”

Connor says, “Seems he went out of a high window at the Casino Cosa Nostra.”

“Anybody saying how it happened?”

Heads shake. “Nobody knows.”

I look at Dad and ask, “Drago?”

“Drago has definitely changed. Said he wanted a meet with you when you came back.”

I’m surprised. “He’s making a move? He’s crazy if he thinks he can go after their capo.”

Dad says, “I thought the same thing. Something must have made him desperate. He would never have done that unless he felt like he had no choice.”

We all shake our heads.

Then I make my announcement. “I’m going to concentrate more on the management side of the family’s business affairs. I’ll step back from the hands-on activity.”

Peter and Paul look dubious, but Dad tells me that even though I’m the heir apparent, he understands and supports my decision. “Family comes first, son.”

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Epilogue 2

Liam O’Malley

“Now all three of my sons, John, Peter, and Paul, are married, as well as both Mary and JoJo. I am proud to have Kiera, Lucy and Giulietta, and Connor and McQueen, as members of the family. It’s fair to say that I’m also beyond thrilled that all my new daughters-in-law are expecting children already. That was fast work, boys. I’m proud of you.”

The whole family is here, at least all the Las Vegas O’Malleys.

We’ve taken over the whole of Kingpin’s premiere restaurant, the A-Number-1 Bar and Grill, for the family gathering. It’s a spectacular dinner, no expense spared. This is the start of a whole new phase for the family, and I’m looking forward to it. Somehow, though, it does also feel like the end of an era.

“All of us have played our part in making Kingpin the jewel in the crown of our empire. The O’Malleys have become a dominant force on the Las Vegas scene.”

“Dad,” Paul says, “you’re our inspiration,” and he lifts a glass.

Seeing my boys all settled turns my thoughts to the future. Ours will be partly developing in Los Angeles, and we’ll never forget our Boston roots. But Las Vegas is our home now and it will be our power base. As for the next phase of my own life, I’m not so sure.

I feel like a dog that’s been let off the leash, who feels suddenly insecure, like he’s lost his purpose. I know a man who got out of jail and for the first few weeks, he missed the routine. The solid walls only an arm’s length away.

All the boys will be having babies soon, and I can’t wait to meet them. Mary and JoJo’s kids are a joy, for sure. But I’m definitely feeling the loss of my wife, Maria. Now I’m starting to wonder if it’s too late for me to think about finding someone else. The thought has never crossed my mind before. Partly because nobody could ever take the place my Maria has in my heart, and I’ve never even wanted to think about it.

But Maria would want me to be happy, there’s never been any doubt in my mind about that. I’ve been as happy as I could ever expect after losing her. Happier in lots of ways. The family and our business have taken all my time, and I don’t regret an hour of it. Now, though? Now that my children are all settled, it feels like I’ve done my job as a father.

Maybe I want someone to share the next phase of my life with. Perhaps even have more children. Oh, I wasn’t expecting that thought to sneak up on me. That could never happen. Could it?


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