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817 Fireman Ln. (Cherry Falls)

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The need to follow him is strong. It’s obvioius he’s a loner. He’s obviously well-liked and well-respected, but everyone keeps their distance from him. If Porter’s defending him, then the crew likes him. So what’s his problem... and why is he taking it out on me?


I barely stop myself from punching the brick wall. Of all the fire stations, why’d she choose this one? Why Cherry Falls? My life was fine until I laid eyes on her, and now it’s all fucked up.

I stretch my arms out and roll my neck. How in the world I thought Ava was a man is beyond me. In all that gear, the helmet and face mask kept her hidden so it was an honest mistake, but wow. Seeing her without all the gear on brings a whole new purpose to mind. When I slammed out of the chief’s office, the first thing I see is Ava. She’s standing in her tan pants that are tight across her ass, and instantly my own matching pants tighten in the crotch. I get a brief glance at her ass before she turns, and my focus lands on her large breasts in the blue T-shirt with the fire department’s logo on the front. When I jerk my eyes away from her body, I couldn’t stop from looking guilty. I definitely shouldn’t have been looking at a coworker like I was.

She surprised me when she walked straight up to me and confronted me. I towered over her, but she didn’t care. And what did I do? I hurt her. Yeah, I fuckin’ said things that I shouldn’t have. I knew it as soon as the words left my mouth and her face dropped as if I’d kicked her in the stomach or something. I went too far.

I almost followed her. Almost. But I know I’ve already pushed my luck for today. I think we both need some space, and I’m going to need to figure out how to hide this reaction to her before I talk to her again.

As soon as she walks out of the building, I walk up the steps to the weight room. I definitely need to punch something.



I went out of my way to avoid Kent this whole week. He walks into the dining hall, I walk out. He’s hanging with the other guys, I do my own thing. And even though we’re on the same shifts, I’ve even been able to arrange it so that I’m on a different truck than him. All in all, my first week improves from my first day. I still cringe thinking about that.

But even though I’ve succeeded in avoiding Kent, I’m starting to feel like he’s seeking me out. I refuse to let it happen, though. Obviously something about me bothers him. I wouldn’t have thought him to be sexist or anything, but what else could it be? It’s best if I just stay as far away as I can from him.

Cherry Falls is different than Syn City. It’s been a lot calmer with more down time, but I’ve already fallen in love with the town. I love the fact that I can ride my bike to work. I love that everyone seems to know everyone. And so far everyone that I’ve met – excluding Kent – has been nice and welcoming.

“Hey, Catlett. We’re going on a Code Astor. Want to go?”

I look between Porter and Andrew. Andrew seems to have gotten over me beating him, and we’ve actually started training together some. “What’s Code Astor? I don’t know that one.”

Porter shakes his head with a smirk. “I don’t have time to explain. You in or not?”

“I’m in. I’m in,” I tell them as I start grabbing my gear, and he stops me. “You won’t need to put on the gear. Bring it along in case we get another call, but you’re good like you are for this one.”

I nod and grab my gear before following the guys to the truck. I can feel Kent’s gaze on me the whole way. It’s been like that all week, but I don’t give him the satisfaction of noticing. If anything, I make sure I never look his direction the whole shift.

“All right, guys, what’s the deal? What’s Code Astor?” I ask them as I shut the truck door.

Porter shakes his head. “I think it will be easier if you just see for yourself instead of us explaining it.”

I almost tell them I hate surprises, but I just shrug it off. Andrew turns up the stereo, and I sit and watch the town go by as we drive toward the edge of Cherry Falls. This week I’ve been to two kitchen fires, a car accident, a fire in an abandoned lot, and worked the fireworks show down at Kissme Bay just in case of any accidents. All in all, it was a good week.

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