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McCoy (Golden Glades Henchmen MC 3)

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"You good?" he asked. "Kind of lost control a bit there."

"I think I like it when you lose control."

We stayed that exact way for a long time. McCoy's hand running absentmindedly up and down my spine until I felt oddly tingly all over.

"What?" I asked when McCoy let out a chuckle.

"Your stomach is grumbling."

"Think there are still some of Eddie's fajitas left?" I asked.

"Worth checking," McCoy said, starting to fold up.

"No," I said, pressing a hand to his chest. "I'll go," I told him.

"I can—"

"You've been doing enough lately. And I've been taking advantage."

"Don't hear me complaining," McCoy said, pulling me closer to press a kiss to my forehead.

"No. But it's my turn to fetch the food. Lime or no lime?" I asked, climbing off of him and the bed, stopping for a second to grab a pair of clean panties out of the laundry basket, and shimmying into them.


"That's the only right answer," I informed him. "Drink?"


"Okay. I'll be right back," I told him, taking a second to drink in the sight of him before turning and going out into the hall.

The house was relatively quiet. Since Anton was still on the loose, the clubhouse was pretty much on lockdown with only the brothers, Teddy, Eddie, the prospects, Arty, Ayanna, and Booker allowed to visit. Which meant no lady friends for the guys. It turned out that, deprived of that, they chose to spend a lot of their time catching up on sleep.

While McCoy had been great while I recovered, I had to give a shout out to all the others in the club as well. If McCoy was busy, one of the others would bring me up a plate and encourage me to eat. Remy had taken over the care of Franklin. He even brought him and Oscar in to see me several times a day. Huck came in to keep me updated on the search for Anton. Teddy had brought me a recovery care package with the softest robe that ever existed and fancy chocolates imported from Belgium.

Really, each and every one of them had been amazing.

And on top of taking care of me, they were keeping an eye on Belle for me. I could hear her some afternoons, working on shooting with Alaric, or having bike lessons with Che, learning about car repair with Donovan, and having sparring lessons with Seeley.

When he'd come home from the hospital, Harmon and Huck had moved Joss and Betty in with them for the time being. Harmon had more experience with wound care, and everyone had agreed that Betty being in a family environment was probably better than stuck in a house with a bunch of guys.

She'd been surprisingly resilient about the whole situation. Which I personally attributed to having Belle to talk to, someone who understood what she'd been through. And also the fact that she'd been informed that she was going to get to live with Joss, and get away from her parents. She was over the moon about what the future might have in store for her.

We were all excited to see as well.

The kitchen was quiet save for the sound of one of Remy's cats meowing mournfully at the back door, wanting to go out and hunt, and seeming not to realize that he could easily fall prey to a predator too at night. Remy liked to keep his cats indoors, but he had one that pitched such a fit that he let him out in the mornings to wander around for a bit.

"You'll make it through, bud," I told him, going into the treat jar, and tossing him one that he sniffed, then looked at me like I was trying to poison him, before walking away with a haughty tail flick. "Someone else will appreciate it," I informed him as he darted up the stairs to, most likely, go cry at Remy's door.

I'd just gotten our plates of fajitas, and was about to warm them up when I heard the front door open and close.

It was nothing new. The guys who worked guard shifts at night came in and out to get coffee or energy drinks to keep them going until the next shift relieved them.

I only got curious when no one came walking into the kitchen since they'd have to come back that way to get to the bathroom as well. No one came in and just hung out in the living room when they were working.

Wiping my hands on a paper towel, I made my way around the island, making my way toward the doorway into the living room.

It was then I heard a female voice.

For a long second, I thought maybe I'd walked in on a private moment with one of the guys and some chick they'd snuck in. I was ready to turn around and hurry away to promptly mind my own business when I realized that it wasn't some random woman's voice.

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