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Simply Scandalous (Simply 2)

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Catherine sat on the couch browsing social media on he rphone. The backside of the den had many windows, offering a magnificent view of the ocean. The sound of the steady rain along with that of the waves crashing onto shore and rolling back again sent her senses reeling. She’d always loved the rain and the heavy rhythmic sounds.

She closed her eyes and the sounds became even stronger; so did the pulsing within her. Her desire for Logan couldn’t be denied. She squeezed her legs tight and rolling waves of pleasure crested and ebbed, just like the water on the beach. Just like the pleasure she’d find by being with Logan, his body inside hers, finding the perfect rhythm, rocking together until the crescendo became the ultimate peak of pleasure.

She forced her eyes open and realized she was shaking with need. A glance back toward the kitchen told her she was still alone. Considering she could bring herself to the edge with daydreams of the man, Catherine knew she was in trouble. Better to concentrate on dessert, she thought. The edible kind.

Logan had promised to cook his favorite dessert, one that was handmade, not prepared by Emma’s chef. But he wouldn’t let her watch. By the time she’d exhausted her Facebook feed, Catherine had cooled her body off to a respectable level. But she couldn’t stand to be alone with her erotic thoughts anymore.

She tiptoed to the kitchen and peeked inside. The room itself was old, the appliances dated, but the dark wood cabinets had appeal and potential, and she was sure they’d be gorgeous once they were refinished as Logan planned. He puttered around the kitchen, muttering aloud. She couldn’t catch a glimpse of what he was making, and to walk inside would be to risk getting caught.

She took one silent step backward when an unexpected flash of lightning flickered from the windows behind her, followed by the loudest crash of thunder yet.

Startled, Catherine shrieked and Logan whirled around.

He raised an amused eyebrow. “Don’t tell me. You’re afraid of the storm and came seeking comfort.”

She rolled her eyes, knowing she’d been had. “I give. You caught me red-handed.”

“You’re a bad girl, Cat. Now, turn around and wait in the den. I’ll be out in a second. Surely you can wait that long?” he asked with a charming grin.

“I’ll manage somehow.” She shook her head. “Me, banished from the kitchen. Who’d ever believe it,” she muttered.

His cell rang. “Can you grab that?” he asked before she’d headed into the other room.

She picked up his cell on the counter. “Logan Montgomery’s cabin on the ocean. Who may I say is calling?”

Emma’s distinctive chuckle was her immediate response. “She’s home safe and sound,” Emma said in a baritone imitation of Logan. “Did he really think I’d buy that line? His father may fall for that dry wit, but no way can he get anything past me.”

Catherine laughed, surprisingly not the least bit embarrassed to be caught by Emma at Logan’s place. “I am home safe and sound. It’s just not my home.”

“Minor point. At least you’re dry and out of the storm.”

“I’m out of the closet, too, no thanks to you.”

Emma made a tsking sound. “They don’t make those doorknobs like they used to. The sucker just came off in my hand. Imagine that.”

Logan glanced at her. “Keep Emma on the phone. I have a few words to say on that subject, too,” he said.

“Emma? Logan would like to speak to…”

“My weekly card game awaits. I have to run.”


“I’m hanging up now,” Emma said before doing just that.

Catherine stared at the cell in her hand, then glanced up at Logan. “Weekly card game?” she asked. “On the same night as a huge party? Doesn’t seem plausible to me.”

He placed the tray down by the fireplace. “Solitaire on the iPad I bought her,” he explained and rolled his eyes, laughter dancing in his gaze. “She’s a master at avoidance. Ready for dessert?” he asked, picking up a tray.

“Ready to sample your culinary talents, you mean?” They walked to the den and Catherine sat on her knees as Logan moved the tray to a low table by the couch.

She leaned forward and glanced at two glass holders containing what looked like… She leaned closer and sniffed. “Chocolate pudding?” she asked.

“Only the best chocolate pudding you’ve ever had.” He dipped a spoon into the creamy dessert and held it out for her to taste.

She opened her mouth and Logan placed the spoon inside, his gaze never leaving her lips. Catherine’s body heated up all over again. She closed her eyes and swallowed the delicious chocolate confection.

“Yum.” She opened her eyes to find Logan still staring. His intensity had her shaking with need and anticipation all over again. She licked her lips, tasting the chocolate again. “Jell-O brand?” she asked, searching for ordinary conversation to calm down her body.

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