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Simply Scandalous (Simply 2)

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“I do,” she said softly.

His gaze softened. “There’s something to be said for that honesty of yours.”

“And any man who can send the gifts you did deserves at least that in return. You care about my dreams, Logan.” And it may not last forever, but it certainly touched her heart, Catherine thought.

His gaze darted away from hers. She couldn’t read his expression, but he was uncomfortable, and that wasn’t like him. “What is it?”

“I do care about your dreams. Don’t ever think I don’t. But…”


He ran a hand through his already disheveled hair. “Hell, do you think a guy would send you fairy dust?” he muttered.

“You didn’t?”

He shook his head, and she felt her heart squeeze tighter. “The globe—the snow in the summer?” she asked.

“That was me. So was the music. And the notes that came with both.”

The constricting pain in her chest loosened. “But the fairy dust?”

He rolled his eyes, then covered them with one arm. “Emma,” he muttered. “And if you have any sympathy for me, you won’t ask how she knew us so well.”

Catherine nodded. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know that herself. “So, she wants us together?” she asked.

“It would seem so.”

That was a piece of this puzzle that hadn’t made sense to her from the beginning. Why would Emma Montgomery, no matter how eccentric or outlandish, seek out a woman like Catherine for her beloved grandson?

Catherine had done well for herself. She didn’t deny that; in fact, she was proud of all she’d accomplished. But she knew good and well where she came from. And she certainly knew her family wasn’t the type to gain points with the illustrious Montgomerys. Forgetting that she came from the wrong side of the tracks, she knew only too well that the recent past hadn’t been kind to the Luck family, either.

Not only had her aunt married a man with mob ties, but he’d dabbled in prostitution. To make matters worse, they’d been killed and left their charm school—a front for her uncle’s prostitution ring—to Kayla and Catherine. And the entire sordid story had played out in the papers and the online gossip columns. There was no way anyone who lived in the state of Massachusetts and was breathing at the time would have missed the juicy tidbits in the news.

Logan hadn’t mentioned it, but maybe he was just being the gentleman he’d been raised to be. And as long as he didn’t see fit to mention it, she didn’t plan on discussing that bit of family humiliation, either.

“I don’t get it,” she said aloud.

He ran his hands through her hair. As always, the light tug on her scalp sent her senses soaring.

“Don’t get why she’d like you?” he asked.

She didn’t want to have this conversation. “I’m a likable person,” she said lightly. “I can just think of more suitable women she should be throwing you together with. I couldn’t name any of them, of course—I don’t run in those circles. But it doesn’t make sense that she’d go to all that effort to matchmake between us.”

“It makes perfect sense to me.” His warm breath tickled her cheek. “We make perfect sense to me.”

Since she’d seen so much of Emma in Logan—his charm, his personality, his determination to do his own thing—Catherine could almost believe Emma, too, found them a perfect match.

His cheek rested against hers. A silly little thing, but just feeling him that close caused an answering need to soar through her. And when he spoke about them as if there were no barriers, no constraints… She wanted so badly to give in to his seductive words and unspoken promises. Without realizing it, she rolled closer, until the

ir bodies aligned once more.

“Your turn, Cat.” His voice was a hoarse command. And she felt him hard against her.

He wanted her. She wanted him. What was stopping them?

“Tell me what’s bothering you,” he said.

Catherine smiled. It wasn’t difficult considering Logan was gazing into her eyes with genuine concern. How could she not have fallen hard?

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