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Simply Scandalous (Simply 2)

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“No more than I want you.”

“Then there’s no problem.”

He groaned and touched his forehead to hers. “Desire’s never been a problem between us. Sex has never been the issue.”

Afraid she knew where this was leading, Catherine merely sighed. The man could probably see inside her soul. She had no doubt her feelings were mirrored in her face. There was little she could hide from him anymore and even less she wanted to. She waited for him to continue.

“We could make love now and there’d still be your fears to deal with in the morning. You admitted as much tonight.”

“Is that what we’d be doing? Making love?” She hated the raw tone in her voice.

With that one question, she’d not only bared her soul but her heart. By avoiding the issue of her fears, she’d set them squarely between them. She’d never trusted anyone not to trample her heart before, and by doing so now, she’d given Logan power that was frightening.

He caressed her cheek with his thumb. “We’ve never done anything but make love, Cat.”

Her breath caught in her throat as emotion warred with sexual need. Her heart felt full to bursting. So did her body because a throbbing, aching need had overtaken it.

“But we aren’t going to do it tonight.”

Despite her body’s protest to his words, she smiled. “You’re a gentleman, Logan Montgomery.”

“A damned uncomfortable one,” he muttered, and she couldn’t help but laugh. “What can I say? My grandmother raised me right.” He grinned, but she saw the same strain in his expression she felt herself.

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“Yes, she did.” Catherine twisted the tie on her finger.

“Did you ever go steady before?” he asked.

“Not since high school.” And not all that often, she realized, thinking back to those days. She hadn’t wanted anyone to get that close, to see where and how her family lived.

“What do you remember most? And I’m not talking about making out in the back seat of some guy’s car.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Logan Montgomery threatened by some football jock who’s probably balding and has a beer belly by now?” She patted her stomach and laughed.

“I don’t like the thought of anyone’s hands on you—” he paused a beat “—except mine.”

She liked the possessiveness in his voice, but that darned honesty got in the way. “Actually, I don’t remember much,” she admitted. “There really wasn’t anyone who lasted longer than a day or two.” When she was in her teens, she hadn’t been ready for a steady boyfriend. By the time she’d hit her twenties, she’d developed the ability to date and remain detached. She’d had a couple of intimate relationships but none that had truly touched her heart.

He squeezed her hand. “Then let me be the first to introduce you to the idea.” The laughter and fun dancing in his dark eyes were contagious.

“I’m listening.”

Chapter Twelve

Logan took her hand and led her back through the apartment until they reached the soft, black, faux leather couch. Pulling her down beside him, he drew her close. “Going steady involves a lot of drive-through fast-food restaurants, for one thing.” His hands eased under her shirt until his palms rested, warm and strong, against her skin.

Her heart started beating heavily again and she licked her dry lips. “What else?”

“Parking on a deserted road.” His hands inched upward until they settled just below her breasts.

Her skin tingled where he touched and her stomach clenched with an aching need.

“No bra again, Cat.” He made a tsk-tsking sound.

“I wasn’t expecting…” His fingertips swiped at her nipple and she sucked in a startled gasp. Fiery darts of pleasure pricked at her nerve endings. “Company,” she somehow choked out.

“I thought we weren’t going to do this.” Not that she wanted to discourage him. Just the opposite. So, she leaned back, settling herself between his legs and giving his hands better access to her chest.

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