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Simply Scandalous (Simply 2)

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He snorted in frustration at her use of Emma’s tactic and placed his phone down, his stomach in twisted knots.

“You are going after her, aren’t you? Because I have an idea. We can…”

“Forget it, Gran. I’ll handle this myself.”

“Fine, leave an old lady out of the fun. Deny me my enjoyment in life.” She let out a long-suffering sigh.

He rolled his eyes. “You’ll survive.”

“Well, then, I have a car waiting for me outside.”

“I’ll walk you to the elevator,” Logan said.

“No need. I’d like to hang by the water cooler a while first.”

Logan grinned. “I do love you, Gran.”

Emma smiled. “I love you, too. And so does Catherine.” His grandmother kissed his cheek. “Even if she didn’t say it back.”

He shook his head. “You’re too perceptive, smart, and nosy for my own good.”

“Ah, but I spice up your life.”

“That you do.”

He watched her regal retreat and heard her voice as she mingled with the office staff. Knowing she was occupied, not meddling in his life, gave him time to think about Cat.

Then think about this. I love you, he’d told her. Logan didn’t mind giving her his heart, but if she wanted to accept it, she was going to have to come to him.

* * *

Kayla and Kane had a baby boy. Catherine stretched her feet out in front of her on the plastic-like couch i

n the hospital waiting room. She hung her head backward, breathing deeply for the first time in what felt like hours.

Her sister had a family of her own now. One that didn’t include her. Oh, they’d never exclude her, and she planned to be the best aunt in the universe to that child, but she wasn’t a part of their immediate family.

Not in the ways that counted. Why did that bother her so much? When had she begun wanting more out of a life she’d thought made her happy?

When she’d met Logan. He’d dredged up her old class-difference insecurities, then set out to overcome them. To make her believe she could have everything in life, even a man from a wealthy family.

She sat up in her seat, realizing she was up to the challenge. Going viral on the Internet and hitting entertainment shows had opened her eyes to a lot of things. So had the birth of this baby.

A new life meant new possibilities. New directions. Catherine could learn from that. She wasn’t defined by her past. So she’d come from a poor background. She’d gotten beyond it. The judge would have to as well because Catherine wasn’t going anywhere.

She wanted all the things in life her sister had found, and she was determined to get them. Her heart still fluttered when she remembered his unexpected words.

I love you.

Well, she loved him, too, and she was damn well going to show him.

* * *

“…the charges against the defendant are dismissed. Court is adjourned.” The judge banged his gavel and strode from the room. After a brief handshake with his ecstatic client, Logan heaved a groan of relief. The case from hell was over.

He tossed things into his briefcase, grateful it was only Tuesday, and he was looking forward to a quiet end of the week. Not surprisingly, his thoughts turned to Catherine. He hadn’t heard from her. Not one word.

Logan was as understanding as the next guy, but he’d discovered something about himself. His desire to be her lapdog only went so far. He’d extended himself as much as he could without compromising his integrity.

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