Simply Sensual (Simply 3) - Page 36

After shaking Catherine’s hand, Ben extended his hand to Logan. He understood the other man’s glaring silence, but he wouldn’t be rude to people Grace cared about.

The man accepted the gesture. “Doesn’t mean I approve,” he muttered.

“Good thing I don’t need your permission then.” Grace’s voice sounded from behind Ben.

He turned in time to see her, a blur in a floor-length blue terry robe, squeal in delight and run past him, first to Logan and then to Catherine, enclosing them both in a loving embrace. The sight caused a lump in Ben’s throat because it showed him how much she loved—and was loved—by her family. And how much she was missing by living alone in New York. And also how right he was about her returning to the life she’d left behind. One day soon. Even if she didn’t realize it yet.

Ben had been given this one night. The glaring light of day had come too soon.

“What are you doing here?” Grace asked her brother.

“Do you think you can be silent for so long and not have me check up on you?”

She shrugged. “Sorry. But I’m still glad you’re here.”

“Besides,” Catherine added, “we wouldn’t miss your birthday.”

“Birthday?” Ben spoke without thinking.

“Yes, birthday. Tomorrow.” Logan raised an unamused eyebrow and Ben could practically hear his unspoken thought. You slept with my sister and you don’t even know her birthday’s tomorrow? Just how well do you really know her?

Too well, Ben thought. Too damn well, and a small detail like not knowing what day she was born couldn’t change what had happened between them. But he knew when to make an exit, and the pounding in his chest and the sheen of sweat on his forehead told him now was the opportune moment.

While Grace brought her family into the apartment, Ben ducked into the bedroom and finished dressing. He refused to think, to deal with his emotions or anything else until he got the hell out of there.

He walked out of the bedroom to find them all sitting in the living room. The room was still littered with candles, though the sensual goodies they’d never gotten to had been moved—and Ben was grateful Grace had swept them away. And though neither Logan nor Grace had commented on the seductive atmosphere, it wasn’t something that could have been missed.

“Ben, come get to know Cat and Logan. If you’re lucky, they’ll even tell you the story of how they got together. My grandmother handpicked Cat, then set them up and locked them in a closet together in the middle of a party.”

“Your grandmother sounds like a real character,” Ben said.

“You don’t know the half of it. Her matchmaking shenanigans put the most seasoned pro to shame.” Catherine shook her head and chuckled. “I can laugh about it. Now.”

Grace patted the couch beside her. “Have a seat. Logan’s finished with the protective older brother routine.” Logan still scowled, but Grace seemed—or pretended—not to notice. Her gentle laugh floated around the room and squeezed Ben’s heart tight.

He’d miss that sound most of all. “I really need to get going.” He wondered if the excuse sounded as lame as he knew it to be.

“No, you don’t. Not till four. How about I get dressed, run down, and pick up breakfast?” Grace asked.

He inhaled deep. Denying her anything was damn difficult. “How about I run down and pick up breakfast? You visit with your family.”

Her face lit up and she nodded. Ben knew she thought he’d be staying to eat with them. But he wouldn’t.

He slammed the door to the apartment behind him. He’d entered Grace’s life based on a lie. He’d also slept with her knowing he was deceiving her, and in an hour, he’d be reporting news of her life back to her grandmother. He had no business socializing with her family like he was a good friend or something more. Grace certainly wouldn’t appreciate the truth if she knew it—and neither would her brother.

“So, where’s the baby?” Grace asked her brother, minutes after Ben’s abrupt departure.

“Home with Emma, and stop changing the subject. Who’s the guy?”

“Would you leave her alone?” Catherine complained, siding with Grace in a gesture of female unity.

Logan gave his wife a pointed look. “Did you back off your sister, Kayla, when she started with Kane?”

Grace curled her feet beneath her, enjoying the familial argument, the loving bickering between her brother and his wife. She’d missed them terribly and was grateful they’d come to visit. She just wished their timing had been better. The way Ben had hightailed it out of here after dropping off breakfast, Grace knew their intrusion had destroyed the warmth and intimacy of their night together.

He’d backed off again, and this time, it wouldn’t be as easy to bring him back.

After a too-short visit, Logan and Catherine took a ride share to their hotel. Catherine was operating on sleep deprivation thanks to her teething baby and needed a nap before heading home. She’d claimed

Tags: Carly Phillips Simply Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024