Lucky Charm (Lucky 1) - Page 53

And her laptop was in her car. Out of a sense of security, she kept it—and all her manuscripts and notes—with her.

So whatever was missing, it couldn’t be anything of real value, sentimental or otherwise. Still, someone had been in her room and ransacked the whole place. Drawers had been pulled out, clothes from the suitcase scattered everywhere.

Feeling violated, she backed up one step, then two until she got outside and felt less confined.

She glanced at the two doors to the other rooms, then knocked on each. No one answered. Both were shut tight, with no evidence of someone breaking into either one. She headed around the path to the front of the house and knocked on Mrs. Rhodes’s door, ringing the bell persistently at the same time, with the same result. Nothing.

Forcing a deep breath, she pulled her cell phone from her purse and dialed 9-1-1. They instructed her to wait in the car until the police arrived. Gabrielle was more than happy to oblige.


DEREK’S MORNING HAD BEEN a success. An older couple whose money he’d been managing for the past six months brought their newly married son and daughter-in-law to meet with him. They had a substantial sum from their wedding, and with both parties working high-end jobs, they were a definite bonus to his portfolio. Of course he’d had a difficult time concentrating on business when all he could think about was the night he’d spent in Gabrielle’s bed.

By the time he returned to his father’s house to pick up Holly, he was on a definite high.

He let himself inside. “Who wants lunch?” he called out with Holly in mind. He was in the mood for a celebration.

“Dad!” She came running, skidding in front of him on the hardwood floor.

“Whoa!” He held out a hand in case she didn’t stop in time.

“You’re just in time!”

“For what? What’s the hurry?” he asked.

“Grandpa’s radio went off!”

“What radio?”

“My police scanner,” Hank said, joining them.

“You have a scanner?”

“From my days as a volunteer fireman.”

“Day,” Derek said. “You lasted one day.” Derek shook his head. “Never mind. What’s burning?” Derek asked.

“Nothing’s burning. Gabrielle’s in trouble!” Holly said, her voice rising.

Derek’s nerve endings went on alert. “What?”

“The chief said something about a break-in at Mrs. Rhodes’s inn,” Hank said, translating for Holly.

Derek refused to panic. “There are three rooms at Mrs. Rhodes’s place. It could be one of the other people staying there.” But even as he suggested it, he vetoed the idea. Gabrielle had already had her car vandalized and received a threatening note. This wasn’t a coincidence.

He curled his hand tighter around his keys.

“Chief mentioned a home invasion at the famous writer’s room. Want me to watch little missy here?”

Holly shook her head. “Oh, no. I’m going with you to check on Gabrielle.” She folded her arms across her chest and a mutinous look crossed her face.

Derek grasped Holly’s forearms gently and lowered himself to her level. “Listen to me. I know you’re worried about Gabrielle. I am, too. But if I take you with me I’m going to worry about you, as well, and then I won’t be any good to either of you. What if I promise to call you as soon as I know she’s okay?”

“I guess.” She glanced down. “If you won’t take me, take Fred with you.”

He paused. “Dare I ask why?”

“Lots of reasons. Protection, for one thing.” She raised a finger in the air. “And he can be your drug-sniffing dog, for another.”

Tags: Carly Phillips Lucky Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024