Lucky Charm (Lucky 1) - Page 83

She wasn’t sure what Marlene knew about the shift in living arrangements, and Gabrielle wasn’t going to be the one to tell her.

“Who is this, anyway?” the other woman finally asked.

Gabrielle swallowed hard. “Um…”

The front door opened and Derek stepped inside.

“Here’s Derek now,” Gabrielle said gratefully. “Hold on, please.”

She covered the mouthpiece and waved the phone toward Derek. “It’s Holly’s mother,” Gabrielle mouthed to him.

He winced and settled onto the couch beside her, taking the phone from her hand. “Hi, Marlene.” He glanced at his watch. “Is everything okay?”

He listened, then said, “Why? Because it’s late for you to be calling.”

Gabrielle rose and started to leave the room to give him privacy, but he cleared his throat loudly. She turned and he waved her back.

With a shrug, she took a seat at the other end of the couch from him, curling one leg beneath her.

A series of “mmm-hmms” followed as Derek listened to whatever his ex-wife had to say.

“I understand, but I have her party planned here.”

Gabrielle narrowed her gaze. Obviously the conversation involved Holly.

“That’s generous of you, but wasn’t the idea for me to spend more quality time with her?” he asked.

“Mmm-hmm. Yes, I’d miss her, too, but—”

His gaze met Gabrielle’s, and in his eyes she saw a wealth of pain. “I’ll talk to her and get back to you tomorrow.” He hung up without saying goodbye.

She was dying to ask, but she didn’t want to pry. Luckily, she didn’t have to.

“Marlene had planned a four-week trip to Europe. She’d been gone about two and decided to come back early. She misses Holly and wants to take her home to New York when she gets back this weekend,” he explained, his tone hard edged, his disappointment obvious.

Gabrielle shook her head. “I’m so sorry.”

“I’m not sure I should agree to this. I rarely get time with Holly as it is.”

Gabrielle understood, but she also thought he should consider all sides before he reacted in a way that could hurt him even more. “But didn’t you say Marlene’s just starting to be reasonable about visitation? Do you want a fight that will get her angry and make her be even more difficult again?”

“You’re right. She did promise to bring her back up for her birthday party as planned. She also said Holly could come up as often as we could arrange for the rest of the summer,” Derek said, the admission obviously difficult for him. “But it still bugs me that just because she misses her, I have to give her up.”

Gabrielle eased closer to him and placed her hand over his. “I’m on your side,” she assured him. “I just wanted to play devil’s advocate.”

He smiled grimly. “I appreciate it.”

“Um…Derek? Does Marlene know that Holly’s living with your father?” And did Marlene know about Gabrielle, period—past and present—she wondered.

He shook his head. “Not from me. I didn’t think she’d appreciate the fact that no sooner had Holly moved in than I moved her out.”

Gabrielle groaned, her guilt returning. “I am so sorry. I really shouldn’t be here. It’s wrong. I can get a hotel in Boston and have all the security I need.”

“You could, but you won’t,” he insisted. “I want you here where I can see for myself that you’re safe. Besides, after the way Holly reacted when I left you home for dinner, can you imagine how she’d carry on if you moved out?”

Gabrielle shook her head and laughed. “I really do love that kid.” The words slipped easily from her lips.

She didn’t want to take them back any more than she wanted to spook Derek. She glanced at him. If he’d heard her, he didn’t react. No doubt he was more wrapped up in the fact that he was losing Holly sooner than planned. She ought to be relieved he wasn’t paying attention to her.

Tags: Carly Phillips Lucky Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024