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Hot Stuff (Hot Zone 1)

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Seeing her now, he knew that would never happen. For better or worse, most probably worse, she was a part of him. "I mean it," he said gruffly and to prove it, he lowered his mouth to hers.

As he slipped his tongue inside her parted lips, the kiss felt like he'd come home after being away for far too long. Though he was mindful they were in public and her family and invited guests surrounded them, he still poured everything he felt into the one kiss. It seemed to go on and on, neither of them wanting to part again.

"Excuse me." Lola's voice interrupted them.

Annabelle jumped back and as if she were a teenage girl caught making out with her boyfriend, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

Her gaze darted between Vaughn and Lola. "Caught me," she said, laughing.

"Yes but that isn't why I'm bothering you. I need to talk to you and your sisters."

Vaughn immediately recalled the conversation Annabelle had overheard between Lola and her uncle. The one that had caused her to break down. He knew she was hoping that Yank would come around and admit he loved Lola, but the older man was as stubborn as they came. Vaughn didn't hold out the same hope. The possibility of Lola's leaving still remained.

Annabelle's glance darted around the room. "Can we do it after the party?" she asked, ever the professional.

But Vaughn heard her voice crack and saw the struggle to remain composed. She'd already assumed the worst.

Lola grasped both her hands. "I suppose we can, but it's important."

Annabelle nodded. "Okay," she said in a whisper.

"I'll let Micki and Sophie know not to rush out after the party ends." With a last squeeze of Annabelle's hand and a slight nod acknowledging Vaughn behind her, Lola strode off to find Annabelle's sisters.

"Lola was always good at reading my emotions."

Annabelle turned to Vaughn. "And just now, I know she picked up on my feelings. She knows I'm upset." Annabelle bit down on her lower lip. "But she chose not to tell me everything will be okay."

"That's because she knows you're strong. You can handle whatever it is," Vaughn said thinking of Yank's degenerative condition.

"I'm going to strangle my uncle." Annabelle shook her head, frustrated.

"You can't change how Yank feels."

"But he loves her! And he's still obviously going to let her just up and leave us!" Her voice rose along with her obvious panic.

Vaughn wrapped a strong, supportive arm around her shoulders. "First, it's his choice to make and second, you're not twelve anymore. Lola might leave The Hot Zone but she'll always be a part of your life. You know that, right?"

Annabelle nodded and drew deep, calming breaths. "I'm sorry I'm acting like a child." She squared her shoulders and lifted her chin.

He was proud of her. "That isn't what I said. Your emotions automatically regress back to your childhood. I'm sure that's normal when you've suffered the loss of your parents. I just want to make sure you view things in their right perspective now."

Annabelle treated him to a grateful smile. "I don't know what I'd do without you," she said and pulled him into a hug.

He inhaled her fragrant scent and emotions swamped him. He refused to answer that comment. He didn't know what he'd do without her, either, but like Yank, everyone had decisions to make.

"So what do you say we enjoy this party and worry about what Lola intends to do later?" Worry about what he intended later. He smoothed his hand over the back of her hair, trying to calm her.

"I say it's a deal." She picked up another mimosa from a passing tray and downed it in one continuous gulp.

He wanted to stop her but he sensed she'd need it for the night ahead. And he'd be there after Lola dropped her news.

There was nothing that could keep him away.


AFTER THE PARTY ENDED and the last guest walked off the door, Annabelle joined her sisters as they filed into the small office lent to them by the manager. The cold furnishings didn't bode well for the discussion to follow, Annabelle thought, because Lola wouldn’t insist

on a family meeting unless something was very wrong. Something beyond her being just ticked Uncle Yank. And after what she'd overheard at house, Annabelle knew that something might send her packing for good.

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