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Going Down Easy (Billionaire Bad Boys 1)

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He opened his eyes to find Lexie staring at him in silence. Her makeup had smudged beneath her eyes, and she’d twisted her hair back into some sort of messy knot, but she’d never looked more beautiful.

“Are you okay?” she asked, that perceptiveness he loved about her returning now that they’d had a few minutes of quiet.

“I am now.”

She stepped closer. “Why, Kade?”

He figured she was asking why he was here. “Luke and Derek wanted to come out after dinner.”

She shook her head. “No, why not just leave me alone? You could be having drinks with your friends, but instead you’re interrupting my night. Why?”

She’d inched into his personal space, was pushing for answers he didn’t want to face, let alone give.

Her luscious breasts were rising and falling, so close he could reach out and touch. Her scent permeated the space around them, a fragrance he couldn’t get out of his head or his dreams.

“Tell me what you want,” she said, frustration tingeing her tone.

Frustration he felt as well. “I. Want. You.” No sooner had he said the words than she launched herself against him, and his mouth came down hard on hers.

He expected her to fight him, but she gave in willingly, her lips softening beneath his, and suddenly Kade had everything he wanted at his fingertips. The churning he’d been experiencing inside himself ever since Julian had targeted him and he’d deliberately pushed Lexie away faded into the background. Gone because she was in his arms.

He slid his mouth back and forth, devouring the lips he’d been so focused on earlier, nibbling, tasting, sliding his tongue deep inside. She moaned, meeting him halfway, tongues tangling, breath mingling, bodies grinding against each other as if they couldn’t get enough.

God knew Kade couldn’t. He broke the kiss long enough to give her instructions. “Jump up. Wrap your legs around my waist.”

She pushed her skirt up and complied with his request. He pulled her roughly against him, turning them so it was her back against the wall, his body thrusting against hers, grinding into her until she was panting and groaning in his arms. He wanted to bare her sweet pussy to his gaze, slide his fingers over her slick lips, and coat his fingers in her wetness.

She rotated her hips against him, her feminine heat pulsing against that hard-as-stone part of his body. He clenched his jaw, needing so much more. He wanted to take her hard, fast, and now. But he retained enough awareness to know where they were, what they could and couldn’t do. He also knew she deserved more than an outside fuck against the wall of some club. Even if they were simulating the act now, her hips rotating around and around, his body thrusting against hers.

Which meant this impulsive night had to come to an end.

He was about to lower her to the ground when she arched her back and let out a shuddering moan. “Close, Kade. I’m so close.”

He gritted his teeth and wondered what the fuck to do. As her boss, he couldn’t screw her and face her afterwards as if it meant nothing. As if she meant nothing. And he still owed her an apology for how badly he’d treated her almost from the beginning. Kade didn’t apologize to anyone. He’d spent his childhood doing too damned much of that to his mother. But he’d damn well do it for Lexie. Then he’d consider fucking her, like he wanted to.

“Please, Kade. Make me come.” Lexie was so far gone she trembled in his arms. He couldn’t leave her hanging on the edge like this either.

He slipped his hand beneath her skirt, coming into contact with a barely there, soaking wet thong. Jesus, he thought, this was the ultimate test of restraint. He slid his fingers over her slick lips and found her clit, rubbing with his thumb.

Her thighs tightened around his hips, and she buried her face in the crook of his neck, riding his hand as he worked one long finger inside her. Her orgasm hit immediately, and she rocked against him, her tight body clasping around him. Leaving him to imagine it wasn’t his finger but his cock that she was milking dry.

He pressed his thumb hard against her clit, letting her ride out her climax until she was spent. He held her afterwards, his hard body protesting every second.

Eventually she relaxed in his arms, and he removed his hand, slid her down, helping her fix her skirt and shift her tight top until she was comfortable.

“I don’t…”

He placed a finger over her lips. The same finger he’d had inside her seconds before. “Don’t. We both needed this.”

“But you didn’t—”

“I got what I needed for now,” he assured her, even if his aching dick disagreed.

She nodded, her cheeks flushed, her hair in complete disarray. She was flustered and so fucking sweet he wanted to devour her all over again.

“Let me take you home,” he said, needing to see her safe.

“But what about Tessa and Becky?” she asked. “Won’t they wonder what happened to me?”

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