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Going Down Fast (Billionaire Bad Boys 2)

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There were so many facets to Lucas’ personality, including his standing Thursday boxing night with Derek and often with Kade. He’d come home sweaty and sexy-looking in a tee shirt with the sleeves cut off and the hem ragged at the bottom, the muscles in his legs and arms tight and hard.

But he didn’t pressure her to sleep together at night, and to her complete and utter shock, after maintaining she wasn’t ready for a relationship and needed distance, she was disappointed. And horny.

Constantly horny.

Every time she lay in her lonely bed at night, she found herself reliving their time together. Her fingers would slide beneath her panties and glide over her wet sex, as she recalled kissing his firm, masculine lips, his delicious taste, and the feel of his thick erection filling her completely. She’d climax knowing he was next door, and

instead of putting the night behind her, her desire for a repeat performance was growing.

Living with him only served to bring them closer. They laughed over silly jokes and folded laundry together. They alternated cooking and cleaning, and the routine felt like they were a couple. She didn’t know how much longer she could hold out… and the more time that passed, she wondered why she was trying to.

Maxie took a taxi to the storage unit in order to drop off a box of summer clothes she didn’t want to have to keep in her room at Lucas’, before meeting a friend for lunch at TGI Friday’s restaurant. Angela Carson was a paralegal from her job at her old law firm, a curvy woman with wavy brown hair, blue eyes, and a sparkling personality. Last time Maxie had seen Angela was the day she’d left the building for the last time, but they’d kept in touch by text and phone.

Once they were settled and had ordered lunch, they got down to the business of catching up. “So… how’s Matt?” she asked of Angela’s longtime boyfriend and now her fiancé.

“We finally set a wedding date,” Angela said, excitement in her voice. “You’d better mark September nineteenth on your calendar.”

“I wouldn’t miss it,” Maxie promised, happy for her friend.

“So tell me about you.” Angela leaned forward, eager to hear all. “I hated how the partners left you high and dry just because your husband was a douchebag,” she said, then blushed. “I’m sorry. That was thoughtless.” She took a sip of her Diet Coke. “Me and my big mouth.”

Maxie shook her head. “It can’t be thoughtless when it’s true. Besides, you know I agree.” She tried not to think about Keith at all, but when she did, her thoughts weren’t kind ones. The good memories were buried under the bad, beneath a ton of hurt, debt, and betrayal.

“How are things at the firm?” Maxie asked, changing the subject.

“Well, I do have some gossip.” Angela rested her elbows on the dark wood table, excitement flickering in her eyes. “Remember Vincent Bernardi?”

Maxie nodded. “He was Keith’s client. Accused of embezzlement and racketeering, but the government was still building a case. In the meantime, he went to jail for assault.”

“Right. He beat a guy nearly to death,” Angela said with a shudder. “Anger issues.”

Maxie had done her share of work on that case too.

Angela twisted the straw in her drink. “Well, he’s out and he came to the firm.”

“What?” Maxie sat upright, stunned.

“I was tied up in court that day. All I know is he came by and made a scene. He was furious.”

“What did he want?” Maxie asked.

“He demanded access to his case files. He left when poor Katie at reception threatened to call the police,” Angela said.

“Wow.” Maxie leaned back in her chair. “I’m glad I wasn’t there,” she murmured. She’d never liked Bernardi, and he’d always had a temper.

“So that’s my good gossip. What do you have?” Angela asked.

Maxie laughed. “Not much going on with me.”

“You’re blushing!”

She blew out a deep breath. “There’s a guy,” she admitted. She went on to explain her entire crazy situation with Lucas.

“Is it a serious relationship?”

She twisted the paper napkin in her hand. “How can I possibly be serious about someone when I’m just getting my independence back? My life back together?”

Angela waved a hand, dismissing her concerns. “You’re the strongest woman I know. Living with that bastard and surviving? Come on. You don’t give yourself enough credit. Surely you can do both.”

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