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Going Down Hard (Billionaire Bad Boys 3)

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“I don’t think your life is boring,” she said. “Your background, how you accomplished your success… It’s a big deal. People go to sleep at night and dream of winning the lottery. They make plans based on what they’d do with billions of dollars. You lived the American dream, and people want to know how you did it. That’s exciting for them because they think if you can do it … so can they.”

He groaned. “Well … when you put it that way, I understand the need for the interview a little more.” She could tell he still wasn’t comfortable with the idea.

“People are going to read, be fascinated by you. But there is an ironic part to all this.” She breathed in the musky smell of his skin, her body automatically softening. Wanting him again.

“What’s the ironic part?” he asked.

“Despite what people think, despite the sense that they want to be able to relate to you, to be you, the truth is, they can’t replicate what you did. They only wish they could. You had the brains to create the app. You and your friends had the courage to act.”

He smoothed a hand over her cheek. He cupped her jaw, turning her face toward him. “You’re just flattering me so I’ll do this thing. I already gave you my word.”

She shook her head. “I’m serious. You are an example of preparation meeting opportunity. So even though I’ll write the story, and people will dream as they read, they’ll still know the truth. That you’re special.”

“You’re biased.” He brushed his lips over hers, distracting her from her mission of convincing him of his uniqueness, explaining why she wanted to write about him.

“No. I just see something special in you,” she murmured. She always had.

When she’d hung out with him all those years ago by the pool, she’d seen some

thing in him. Something that made her show up again the next night, even though she’d fully expected him to blast her with his anger after what she’d said about him.

Later, she’d watched his meteoric rise, all the while knowing he had that it factor. Brains, good looks, the right timing, and knowing how to capitalize on all of it.

All his partners possessed the same thing. Except in her eyes, Derek was beyond unique. He was loyal to his family, humble in ways she hadn’t expected. He’d rocked her world in bed… And she was falling for him.

And though he hadn’t kicked her out after sex, she didn’t delude herself. Nothing good could come of them being together. They had too many outside obstacles working against them.

But that didn’t stop them from being together now.

* * *

Derek didn’t want to talk about himself. Not when he had a pliant, warm woman in his bed. Not when he could pick up where they’d left off. And his cock was ready to play again.

“Let’s shower,” he suggested, knowing full well they’d be doing a lot more than cleaning up in his oversized stall.

“Good idea. I can’t stay too late. I have to take the train to the station where I left my car.” She closed her eyes and groaned at the thought.

“You have got to move to the city,” he said, already liking the feel of her in his bed. Of having her in his life. Around when he wanted to … play.

“Speaking of moving,” she said, her eyes lighting up. “I’ve decided which apartment I want to move into. The one on Eighty-Sixth street.”

“Because it’s closer to me. Good choice,” he said smugly.

She rolled her eyes. “No, because it’s larger than the others. It’s going to be a big enough adjustment leaving a house for a one-bedroom. I might as well go big,” she said, giving him a more rational explanation.

“Ouch. Way to deflate my ego.” He liked his leap much better. But he’d enjoy having her close by, so he had no complaints. “I’ll have Brad send you the lease agreement.”

She nodded. “Thank you. I’d like to deal with this quickly. I don’t want to take up too much time with the move. I’d rather have it be done and get on with my life, you know?”

“Whatever you need, let me know. I’m more than happy to help.”

She blinked in surprise. “Well, that’s nice of you. I’ll keep it in mind.” She leaned down and pressed a kiss to his chest, and his mind immediately stopped thinking about contracts and moves and moved on. “Now, about that shower?”

“I’m all for getting clean.”

He swung his legs over the side of the bed, stood, and scooped her into his arms.

“Derek!” She kicked her legs, and he reached around, swatting her bare ass, causing another squeak. “Shower time, princess.”

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