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Dare to Desire (Dare to Love 2)

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She parted her lips—to disagree, she hoped—and he took full advantage, sealing his mouth over hers, stealing her arguments along with her breath. His tongue tangled with hers, and any rational thought fled in the wake of his kiss. She’d dreamed of tasting him one more time, and he didn’t disappoint. He took over the same way he always had, overpowering. Demanding. And she gave in to him as if she were meant to be his.

His tongue gliding in and out, his mouth mating with hers, he gripped the back of her head in his hand, holding her firmly as he devoured her like he was starving and she was his ultimate meal.

She squirmed, needing to get closer, and each movement brought her pelvis in line with his but not close enough. Using his foot, he kicked her leg wider and settled himself between her thighs, backing her up against the car. His hips nestled into hers, his solid erection hard and unyielding against her pulsing core. She was hot and ready and wanting him.

And God, he felt good. She arched, and he rocked his hips, enflaming her need further. She moaned at the sensual assault on her and the intense sensations rocking her body.

He nipped her lower lip and immediately soothed the sting with his tongue. “Remember that, Angel? How good we are together?”

Her pussy throbbed to the heat of his words. She remembered. God, she remembered everything he made her feel.

“I didn’t hear you. I asked if you remember.” He tugged harder on her hair.

“Mmm-hmm. I remember.”

“And it’s so good, isn’t it? So fucking hot?” He ground his dick into her sex. “Like you’ve never had before?”

“Or since,” she admitted. She hadn’t been with anyone since him. She didn’t know if he understood exactly what she meant, but he groaned at the admission.

The sound triggered a primal need, and desire took over what remained of her rational mind. She gripped his shirt in her hands, pulled him close, and kissed him again. Licking his lips, sucking on his tongue. He tasted a little like the beer he’d been drinking and a lot like the only man she desired.

Heat wound its way through her body, and she melted under the thrust and plunder of his tongue. She’d missed this. She’d missed him.

His hips continued a constant rotation against her pelvis, and dampness flooded her panties, bringing her closer and closer to an explosive orgasm. It wouldn’t take much. His unique taste, his masculine scent, and the hard planes of his chest beneath her hands all made her so aware of herself as a woman. Another roll of his hips, his cock so hard against her clit, and she moaned at the delicious waves tempting her.

So close, so close. Another quick swivel of his hips and a jerk of his hard cock and she’d—

Suddenly she stood alone against the car, confused and frustrated beyond belief. “You’re playing games?” Her fingers touched her swollen lips.

His eyes darkened. “No way, Angel. Not anymore. I said I wasn’t giving up, and I meant it.”

“So…?” She spread her hands. “What’s up with you stopping?”

He grinned. “Believe it or not, this is me being a decent guy. With blue balls, but whatever. Before that kiss, you were against anything happening between us again. So I’m giving you time to digest the fact that not only are we going to happen, but you’re going to want it. When you’re not climbing the walls with the need to fuck me, you can decide you want to give us another shot.”

She exhaled a shaky breath. “You left me hanging,” she muttered, unwilling to address what he really wanted from her.

“I left us both hanging.” His voice sounded strained and raw, and for the first time, she realized his restraint was costing him too.

She closed her eyes and blew out a long stream of breath.

His hand slid behind her neck once more, his touch warm and surprisingly gentle.

Her lashes fluttered open as he brushed his lips over hers. “We’re not over.”

She was very afraid he was right.

* * *

Madison didn’t sleep well. How could she when Alex’s parting words kept repeating in her brain? Not to mention how she tossed and turned all night. When she was awake, Alex’s kiss played in a never-ending loop in her mind. And when she slept? Fevered dreams of her body’s response had her writhing under the sheets, needing the completion he’d denied her. She awoke in a sweat, her nipples peaked and hardened, her panties soaked with desire, and despite the battery-induced orgasm she’d given herself before bed, she was still sexually unfulfilled and needy. Which had been exactly his point.

He wanted her to want him. Or at least to admit to wanting him. Which she did, damn the man.

She knew that if she gave in, he’d be an attentive lover. He knew his way around a woman’s body, and pleasure was his ultimate goal. Hers before his. She shivered at the reminder of his big, talented hands working her body. Could she keep resisting him if he kept up his sensual assault and deliberate deprivation?

Did she even want to?

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