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Dare to Hold (Dare to Love 4)

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“He’s got a computer guy digging for information on my ex and his family!”

Olivia shifted uncomfortably in her chair. “When I recognized Rick, I just assumed you knew. He works personal security for Tyler. That makes him your bodyguard, for lack of a better word. He’s had an eye on us all day.”

“I’m going to kill Scott.” Meg ripped a paper napkin apart in frustration.

“He obviously wants you safe. If you think about it, it’s kind of sweet,” Olivia said, obviously trying to dig her brothe

r—and herself by extension—out of trouble. Because she’d called Meg’s attention to the man.

“R-i-g-h-t,” Meg said, drawing out the word. “Because if Dylan had a man assigned to guard you and follow you around without your permission, you’d find it sweet. Good to know.”

Riley giggled out loud. “She’s got you there,” she told Olivia.

“Shut up,” Olivia muttered. “I’m so screwed. Scott is going to kill me when he realizes I pointed Rick out to you.”

“No, he won’t. Because I’m going to kill him first. Besides, I would have figured it out sooner or later,” Meg muttered.

Olivia blew out a defeated breath. “Well, if I’m going to get in trouble, and I will, I might as well go all the way. What I was going to say when I started all this was, I can’t think of a better way to end the day than embarrassing one military man with a stick up his ass. Let’s wish him a happy birthday.”

Meg grinned and called for the waiter. Olivia was right. Watching her bodyguard turn bright red with embarrassment and glare at them over his big hot fudge brownie sundae with a candle was the perfect way to end the day.

* * *

Scott was on his way to Meg’s apartment, a large bottle of Perrier in hand, to celebrate his new job. He couldn’t bring champagne to a pregnant woman, so he’d opted for something else that was bubbly. He figured he’d get there around the same time she returned from shopping, and they could celebrate.

His cell rang while he was driving. The dashboard indicated it was Rick, the guy Tyler had chosen for Meg’s security.

He frowned. The more Scott thought about it—and he’d given his actions a lot of consideration as the day had worn on—the more he realized he needed to tell Meg she had a tail. On the off chance she realized someone was watching her, she’d assume it was her ex, and Scott didn’t want to scare her. He also didn’t like lying to her, even by omission. He should have been up front, and he would be now.

He hit the play button and used his speakerphone. “Talk to me,” Scott said.

“Fucking women,” Rick muttered.

Scott had known Rick for a while. The man had served with Tyler during his stint in the Army, and they’d been friends ever since.

“What’s wrong?” Scott asked.

“I was made. You didn’t tell me your girl was meeting up with your sister.”

Scott swore. “That’s because I didn’t know. I thought she was going with a friend.” And Olivia knew Rick as well as Scott did.

“They treated me to a big-ass happy birthday sundae including singing waiters.”

Scott shook his head, trying not to laugh at the women’s antics because he was so fucking screwed. “Sorry, man. And thanks for the heads-up. I’m almost at her place. I’ll deal with it.”

“Want me to stick around?”

“No, wait for me to get there and then take a break. I’ll call you if I leave tonight. You can cover me then.”

Scott disconnected the call and shot a wry glance at his makeshift celebratory bottle. He’d hoped he’d be spending the night with Meg, but now he wasn’t so sure he’d make it past the front door.

A few minutes later, Scott knocked warily.

Meg opened the door, a surprised expression on her face. Obviously she hadn’t expected him, and that was fine. They hadn’t made plans, but he was happy to see her. Hell, his entire body lit up at the sight of her pretty face and dark brown eyes.

“Before you lecture me, I looked through the security hole,” she said, as if expecting him to reprimand her first thing.

“I figured.” He held out the green bottle of sparkling water. “Care to celebrate my new job with me?” he asked.

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