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Dare to Hold (Dare to Love 4)

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She turned to go into her bedroom and paused. Was she really going to do this? Continue on with a decision she’d made that, in her heart and soul, she knew was wrong for her?

Or was she going to correct it?

* * *

Scott appreciated his siblings more than anyone, but he really didn’t want company. Unfortunately, Olivia had heard from Tyler about what had happened this morning with Mike. Olivia had called Scott, asking to speak to Meg. Which meant he’d had to tell his sister that Meg had gone home. And that had led to her arriving on his doorstep with Avery to check on him. Luckily for him, Olivia had left Dylan at home. Not so luckily, his sisters were in the mood to talk, at least, Olivia was.

“Give it time. Meg’s been through a huge trauma. She needs to settle, you know?” Olivia propped her feet on a large ottoman in front of her chair in the family room.

“Meg made it clear what she wanted from day one. I just barreled forward, thinking I knew better,” Scott muttered. And he’d had his heart gutted in the process.

Not that he was giving up. He’d just retreated in order to regroup. And though he hated to give his bossy sister credit for anything, she was right. He had to give Meg the space she needed.

He glanced over at Avery, who stared out the window beside her chair in pensive silence. He cocked his gaze her way and met Olivia’s gaze.

She shrugged her shoulders, meaning she didn’t know what was going on with her either.

“Listen, I appreciate you guys coming over, but I’m fine.” Or he would be once they left and he could drown his sorrows in Jack. “I’m sure Dylan would rather have you home.”

Olivia eyed him warily. “Are you sure?”

“Definitely.” He rose from his seat.

“Come on, Avery. I’ll drop you off on my way home,” Olivia said.

Scott strode over to his youngest sister and grasped both her shoulders. “I want my bubbly sister back. If that means I have to kick some guitarist ass, I have no problem doing it.”

Avery glanced up at him, an appreciative smile on her face. “It’s a lot of things, all of which I’m dealing with. I promise. No need to get all big brother on Grey. Especially since he’s a client.”

Scott blinked in surprise. “You know that Lola Corbin hired us to handle the band’s security?”

Avery grinned. “I know a lot of things that would surprise you,” she said and patted his cheek. “Don’t worry about me. Just figure out a way to get Meg back. I want you to be happy.”

Scott’s heart melted at that. He pulled her into a tight hug. “I won’t let anyone hurt you, baby girl.”

Avery squeezed him back. “And I love you for it.”

He walked his sisters through the front hall. “Thanks for coming by, and drive safe,” he said as he opened the door … and came face-to-face with the last person he expected to see.

“Meg!” Olivia exclaimed. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

“Thank you.” Meg glanced nervously at Scott as she replied.

“Hi, Meg. I’m glad you’re out of danger too,” Avery said.

“And we were just leaving,” Olivia said, grasping Avery’s hand and pulling her out the door.

God bless his sister for having the good sense to get out quickly, Scott thought, turning his attention to the woman at his doorstep.

“Hey,” he said, his grateful gaze raking over her. Though he’d seen her a few hours ago, she looked more tired than he remembered, and he wanted to pull her into his arms and carry her off to bed.

Then he remembered he didn’t have that right anymore.

“Did you forget something?” he asked, wondering why else she’d be here, even as he drank her in.

Her long legs peeked out beneath a tank top dress. No makeup on her pretty face. And those big brown eyes stared into his.

“Nope. I didn’t forget anything.”

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