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Dare to Hold (Dare to Love 4)

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It might also be the last, so she’d better enjoy it. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers gliding over the hard muscles in his upper back, which she could feel through his clothing, then up through his silky hair. She inhaled, and his masculine scent raced through her, a heady reminder she really was doing this. With Scott, a man she’d wanted since meeting him, she thought, and her belly twisted with need.

He laid her down on the center of the bed, his movements sure and gentler than she’d expected. Then he rose. He removed his jacket and tossed it onto the floor, took care of the holstered gun, placing it on the dresser—and boy, did she find a man with a weapon hot. Especially this man. She couldn’t stop staring as he yanked his shirt up and off, revealing tanned skin and a light sprinkling of dark hair across his chest that ran down his abs and tapered into the waistband of his jeans.

He was a sculpted work of art, and she watched him greedily. Ran her tongue over her lips.

“I want that tongue on me, baby.”

She couldn’t believe the calm, collected, always-in-control Scott Dare was a dirty talker during sex, and her stomach flipped in excitement at his words. She wanted her tongue on him too. She, who could normally care less about oral sex, wanted to take him in her mouth and lick him all over.

“So come here and let me,” she said, shocked at the gravelly tone of her voice.

His gaze narrowed. “Who calls the shots?” he asked, unbuttoning his jeans and pulling them down over narrow hips. He’d hooked his thumbs into his boxers or briefs, she didn’t know which because they were gone along with his jeans and she couldn’t tear her gaze away from his thick, hard cock.


“Was that an answer?”

he asked.

Had he asked a question? Her breasts were heavy, her nipples hard and hurting, and her panties now soaked with the evidence of her desire for him. And she was lying in bed, fully dressed while this gorgeous specimen of a man stood aroused before her. She couldn’t focus on anything but getting naked too.

She reached for the hem of her shirt, and suddenly he was over her, pinning her to the bed. “You can’t deny me the pleasure of peeling those clothes off you. I want to see every inch of your skin.”

He lifted the shirt and eased it upward, his calloused thumbs trailing over her sensitive flesh. He pulled it off, leaving her in just a flimsy bra, one that would have to be replaced soon, because it did little to conceal the now-larger swells of her breasts.

His gaze never left her body, his eyes darkening as he drank her in. “You’re gorgeous.”

He swiped his thumbs over her already-aching nipples, and she moaned, his words arousing her as much as his touch. He trailed his fingertips down, then slid his hand into the waistband of her leggings and soon removed those too. Of course, he took her panties along with them in one smooth move.

As he continued to stare, she wanted to crawl beneath the covers, suddenly aware of herself in ways she hadn’t been when focused on him. Her breasts were bigger now, and although she figured that was okay, her stomach wasn’t flat and tight. She’d always had a slight belly, but everything had shifted lately, making her overly focused on her flaws.

No way he hadn’t noticed them too. She slid her hands over her stomach, and he swore, grasping her wrists and pinning them over her head.

“Let’s get something straight, okay? I’m here because I want you. All of you. From what’s inside that pretty head of yours to the sexy body spread out for me now.”

Her eyes widened at the force and sincerity of his words.

“Know what that means?” he asked.

She shook her head. She didn’t know anything. This man had her so off-balance she was spinning. She’d agreed to one night of hot sex. Instead, she was getting a lot of dirty talking and attentive man. She didn’t know what to do with either.

“That means while I have you in bed, you’re mine.” He nipped her jaw, then kissed her hard on the lips. “Keep your hands above your head and let me give you what you need.”

“Again, you seem awfully sure of yourself,” she said, falling back on sarcasm. Because what could she say? She was so out of her depth.

A knowing grin pulled at his lips. “Guess you’re going to make me prove myself, huh?”

Her mouth grew dry. “Guess so.”

He proceeded to do just that. He kissed, licked, and nipped his way down her neck, pausing to nuzzle at her collarbone, an erogenous spot she hadn’t known she possessed, before licking around the lace edges of her bra. Her nerves tingled, the rest of her becoming increasingly aroused, and she writhed and twisted on the bed, arms above her head, with him effectively holding her hostage. She didn’t care as long as he continued to pay homage to her body.

He unhooked the front catch of her bra with way too much skill and peeled the cups off her heavy breasts. “I need to taste you, baby.”

Her sex clenched. Her nipples peaked even tighter. And when he latched on to one sensitive tip, she felt the tug deep in her core. “Scott, God.” She arched up, inadvertently pushing her breast deeper into his mouth.

He cupped one big hand around her other breast and began to pluck and play with the nipple, pulling and pinching with his fingers, his mouth continuing to do the same with the other tip. Sensations pummeled her and rocked her hips back and forth, her pussy seeking the same rough, hard contact he was giving to her breasts.

He pinched a nipple harder and she whimpered.

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