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Dare to Rock (Dare to Love 5)

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“What do you want?” Tyler asked.

Avery turned to her brother. “I have enough to deal with without you making things worse. If you can’t be civil to Grey, you can leave.”

Well, at least she wasn’t throwing him out yet. “I came as soon as I saw the article. I had no idea the paps had found you.”

“Well, now you know,” Tyler said. “And you showing up here is only going to make things worse. We’re going to have to put a security detail on you,” he said to Avery.

She shook her head. “No way. I can’t live like that.”

Grey remained silent as the siblings went at it. Until he knew where everyone’s head was, he wouldn’t step in.

“Well, can you live like this?” Tyler swept an arm toward the window. “Going through that crowd by yourself every time you want to come and go?”

“No, I don’t want that.” Avery clasped her hands around her forearms in a protective gesture that gutted Grey.

He’d put her in this position. Somehow he needed to get her out. Though he might agree with Tyler about security, her brother’s strong-arm tactics were only hurting her more, taking away any feelings of control she was holding on to.

Grey shot Tyler a warning look and moved in, leading her to the couch in her living room. He sat down beside her, keeping her close. “Listen, your brother’s right. We have to talk about security for you, but we can figure out something that will make you comfortable.”

“None of this would be necessary if you’d just disappear,” Tyler added. “She could stay with one of us for a little while, they’d forget all about her, and that would be that.”

Grey stiffened, bristling at her brother’s words, which had too much truth in them for his peace of mind.

“Tyler, go home, please? I’ll figure out what I want to do and let you know.”

His gaze softened as he looked at his sister. “I’m worried about you. Did you have a panic attack getting through those jackals?” he asked.

Grey narrowed his gaze. “Panic attack?”

Avery tensed. “I handled it.”

Tyler placed a han

d on her shoulder. “I never said you didn’t. I just want to protect you from having to deal with it at all.”

“Well, you can’t protect me from everything.”

But Grey wanted to. He had the overwhelming need to pack her up and move her in with him, into his doorman building, where she’d be protected and safe.

“I’ll call the cops to clear them off of private property,” Tyler said.

Grey nodded. “That’ll be a start, but it won’t hold off the more determined ones. And it won’t keep them away from public areas where Avery goes.”

“Hello, can you stop speaking about me as if I’m not right here?”

Grey met her gaze. “Sorry, sugar.”

Tyler scowled at the endearment. “You need a bodyguard. Someone who can follow you at a distance but who will be there just in case you need him. I’m assuming Mr. Rock Star here has one.”

Grey stiffened but let the insulting tone slide. “When I know I’ll be in public, yes, I have security.”

“I want my guy on you when you’re together.”

“Fine,” Grey said, knowing better than to argue. He didn’t care who watched their backs as long as she was safe.

“Are we in agreement?” Tyler met his sister’s gaze.

Avery groaned. “Fine.”

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