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Dare to Rock (Dare to Love 5)

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“I’m not sure I can wait much longer,” he said, and pulled her out of the car.


He lifted her into his arms and strode to the elevator. The private elevator that led directly to his floor. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on.

“You’re spoiling me,” she murmured. “I mean, a girl could get used to this kind of treatment.”

“That’s the point.”

She rested her chin on his shoulder, her cheek against his, and blocked out his words. Short term. She couldn’t allow herself to get attached to her musician.

Not hers. “God.”

“What’s wrong?” he asked as the elevator opened and he let them into the apartment, kicking the door shut behind them.

She slid down his hard, toned body, her breasts and nipples feeling every hard ridge and plane of his chest. Her fingers itched to touch bare skin. Indulging her desire, she pulled up his shirt and slid her hands along his flat stomach and six-pack abs.

He groaned, his body shaking beneath her touch, and a thrill slid through her. She didn’t have much experience, and a lot of it came from Grey, so the knowledge that she could make him tremble more now than years before did things to her female ego. She scraped her nails up his chest until she reached his nipples, drawing her fingers over the distended peaks.

“Are you trying to push me over the edge?” he asked, leaning forward and nipping her on the ear.

She moaned and arched into him. “Maybe.”

“Maybe it’s time to turn the tables.” He pulled her dress up and over her head, leaving her dressed in flimsy panties and a barely there bra.

His hot gaze raked over her, admiration settling over his handsome face. “Look at you,” he muttered, sliding a hand beneath her hair, around her neck, and pulling her in for a scorching kiss.

His tongue tangled with hers, while at the same time, he backed her up until her legs hit the couch. She toppled backwards onto the soft cushions. She adjusted herself, letting her sandals fall to the floor.

She kept her gaze on his, watching his every movement. He stripped off his shirt and kicked off his shoes. Pulled a condom from inside his wallet before removing his shorts, taking his boxer briefs with them. Finally he stood before her, his naked body a thing of beauty.

Without thought, she unhooked the front clasp of her bra, extricating her arms from the straps and freeing her aching breasts for his viewing pleasure. He stared down at her, green eyes glittering with arousal, his erection strong, thick, and big, making her mouth water and her body moisten with desire.

“I still can’t believe we’re here. Together,” she said, voicing the thought she couldn’t get out of her head.

He placed the condom on the end table and came down over her, his hard cock sliding over her sex, causing a rush of need to wash over her.

“It’s us,” he assured her.

She moaned, her clit pulsing and her body clenching with the desire to be filled by him.

“Grey, I need you.” She scored her nails over his back, hoping to entice him into moving faster. Sure enough, he arched his hips, thrusting against her, causing another delicious wave of longing to toss her around but not take her over.

“You want to run the show?” he asked, sitting up suddenly and pulling her with him. He grasped her hips and shifted her around until she straddled him, her knees on either side of his muscular thighs. “Grab the condom.”

Her heart beat out a rapid rhythm, but she did as he asked and plucked the foil packet from the table.

“Now open it and slide it on me,” he instructed, his voice gravelly.

“I’ve never done that before.” But excitement buzzed in her veins because she wanted to do it with him.

“Good.” Grey brushed a thumb over her cheek, as amazed as she was that they were together. He wanted to memorize every second, make it last, keep her here with him forever. He’d been her first ever, and damn but he wanted to be her last.

She curled her soft fingers around his aching shaft, and he held himself still, watching as she bit the inside of her cheek and ripped open the package, removing the condom. Pre-come had already formed on the head of his cock, and he clenched his jaw and gripped her hips harder, all in an effort not to embarrass himself too soon.

His hold on his body was a tenuous one. Unaware of his strain, she rolled the condom over him, moving slowly, carefully, the glide of her fingers a tease he could barely withstand until, finally, she reached the base of his shaft.

“Done!” she said, her voice filled with pride.

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