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Dare to Take (Dare to Love 6)

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No shame whatsoever, he strode naked to her side of the mattress, where he’d left his jeans on the floor, and pulled his cell out of his pocket. She ogled his tight, bare ass, figuring if he was going to display it, she was damn well going to look.

“Oh crap. It’s Scott.” He fumbled with the phone and called his brother back, bringing the cell to his ear. “Hey, man, what’s up?”

Ella continued to watch … and admire his lean torso, tanned skin, tousled hair, and handsome face. She couldn’t believe she was here, in her bed, with him.

She bit down on her lip and before the first worrisome, negative, unworthy thought could pop into her head, she shut it down.

Avery had been through a lot of therapy to control her anxiety, and she’d taught Ella some of her strategies, one of those being closing things up in a box and packing it away. Ella had used that often over the years, to avoid thinking of her father in prison, or the painful knowledge that he’d killed someone while driving drunk, or how she’d been ignored as a child. Yes, she had a lot of skill packing those things away.

She realized now that maybe not dealing with her issues wasn’t the best thing in the world… Tyler had pointed that out earlier. She tended to get down on herself without realizing it. But for now, if she wanted to enjoy him, she had to push all other thoughts aside. Had to.

“Meg’s in labor,” Tyler said, breaking into her thoughts. “I have to shower and get to the hospital.”

Excitement leapt through her. “That’s amazing!”

Scott and Meg had gotten together in an untraditional manner, Meg already pregnant with someone else’s baby. That someone else had turned out to be a dangerous psycho with deep-seated issues from birth. After some real danger, he was now out of Meg’s life for good, and the baby was Scott’s, in name and in truth. Nothing would change that.

“Go!” she said when Tyler remained in place, staring at her until she blushed and pulled the covers up over her bare breasts.

“Come with me.”

She blinked in surprise. She was close with Avery and she liked Meg, a lot, but did she belong at the hospital? Wasn’t it a family moment? And she wasn’t really family…

Without warning, Tyler hefted her into his arms and tossed her over his shoulder. Apparently he liked playing caveman. “Hey!”

“I told you, no thinking!” He smacked her lightly on the ass. Again.

“Where are we going?” she asked, half shrieking, half laughing, completely aroused from that one smack.

“To shower and get to the hospital. My brother’s having a baby.”

She could argue, probably should … but he’d ordered her not to think. She’d told herself the same thing earlier. So she’d shower with her hot man and not overthink.

Chapter Six

Tyler didn’t know how he survived the shower with Ella, standing inside the small enclosure, their bodies close, water streaming over her breasts and stomach in rivulets. She’d never looked hotter, especially after the night he’d spent in her bed. She was a mixture of innocent seductress, and when she let go, he knew he was accomplishing his goal, showing her sex between a man and a woman could be amazing. It was only in her more rational moments that she doubted herself.

Which meant he still had more work to do. A good thing, since he wasn’t finished with that sexy body. He’d only had a taste, hadn’t nearly had his fill of all things Ella.

In the meantime, he was about to become an uncle, and he couldn’t wait to see his brother, the one he was closest to, become a father. Tyler admired Ian, but he was more like the father figure he’d lost. Scott was his partner and closest friend. And Tyler knew for damned sure Scott would be a better dad than they’d ever had.

They walked into the waiting room to find everyone was already gathered, except Avery, who’d left for L.A. with Grey and who, Tyler knew, was going to be upset she was missing the event. Even if she’d known it might happen.

At the very least, he and Ella would avoid Avery and her endless questions about why they were together.

On the big center

sofa sat Tyler’s mom, Emma, and her fiancé, Michael Brooks. Ian and Riley were standing in the back of the room, though they’d obviously left their three-year-old daughter, Rainey, at home. And a very pregnant Olivia and her husband, Dylan, sat in side-by-side chairs. Olivia was due in a month and a half, and she looked uncomfortably ready.

“Anything yet?” he asked, as if everything were normal and he and Ella hadn’t strode in like a couple.

“Scott said he’d come out when he had something to report,” Ian said from his stand by the window.

Riley waved at them from across the room.

His mother rose from her seat. Dressed immaculately as usual, in white slacks and a pale blue blouse, her hair pulled back with a clip and a hint of makeup on her face, she strode over.

They’d all been caught by surprise this morning, and now they waited for the newest Dare to join the family.

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