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Dare to Take (Dare to Love 6)

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Tyler’s expression turned wry. “You’re the second person who’s told me I couldn’t change things.”

She walked over and took his face between her hands. “Then maybe you ought to listen?” she asked, pulling him close for a lingering kiss.

He tasted of chocolate, and she couldn’t help but moan as she licked at his lips, then slid her tongue inside, determined to make him forget about his troubles. And from the way he kissed her back, she’d quickly accomplished her goal.

He broke the kiss and said, “Come here.”

Hands on her waist, he backed them up until he sat on the swing, pulling her down with him. She shifted until her knees were on either side of his thighs, her sex directly over the hard ridge of his cock through his jeans.

She rubbed against him and moaned as waves of pleasure ricocheted through her body. She grasped his shoulders and held on, just as he leaned forward and licked a path up her neck, nibbling on her earlobe. She trembled at his seductive licks and nips, and all the while, he worked her skirt up around her waist.

“What about you?” she asked, bringing her hands to his fly and undoing the button.

“What about me?” he asked in a gruff voice.

“I want to touch you.” She eased the zipper gently over his protruding erection, then slipped her hand into his briefs and freed his velvety shaft.

She slid her hand up and down, squeezing as she pumped, feeling his pre-come coat the palm of her hand. Desire pulsed through her veins, and her sex clenched with the need to have him inside her.

He let out a low growl and grabbed her wrist. “Hang on.”

She slid her tongue over her lower lip. “I want you, Tyler. I want to feel you inside me.”

His big hands cupped her breasts, kneading and plumping them through her top, until her nipples pebbled into tight peaks, and the aching between her thighs grew unbearable.

“And I want you to come around my cock,” he rumbled in a gruff tone.

She trembled at his stark, honest words. “I want that too.”

“Stand up.”

She followed his command. Waited as he rose and pulled his jeans and boxer briefs down his legs, leaving them hidden by a table in front of the swing.

He sat back down, and she hiked her skirt up, once again straddling him, but this time there was nothing between them. Nothing to stop the plump head of his cock from sliding through the damp folds of her sex, opening her to him as he thrust up and she took him completely inside.

She sucked in a startled breath at his width, allowing her body to get used to the feel of his heat, thickness, and length, pulsing inside her. “God, you feel amazing.”

“You feel pretty fucking spectacular too.”

He surprised her by rustling the material of her dress, shifting the fabric around until their bodies were completely covered.

“Just in case we have company,” he said with a sexy wink, as he continued to shift and move inside her, every slight motion causing a ripple of arousal to take her that little bit higher.

But now that he’d mentioned it, she couldn’t stop thinking about how they were outside and the possibility of being caught. To her surprise, the idea of someone walking in on them was mortifying … and oddly arousing.

She wrinkled her nose, wondering when she’d become this wanton woman willing to have sex in public. He was doing what he’d promised, soothing her old fears and insecurities, allowing her to become a butterfly emerging from her cocoon, braver and stronger than she’d been before. No matter what happened between them in the end, she’d owe him for showing her this side of herself, she thought.

“They’ll still know,” she whispered.

“But they won’t see.” He grinned. “How hot would it be if someone watched us like this?” He braced his hands on the bench and jerked his hips upward, the movement of the swing and the angle of his body hitting her in exactly the right spot.


“Go ahead, sweet girl. Let me feel you come.”

Her entire body shivered at his words, and she nearly flew apart when he continued to impale her with his shaft. Over and over, he thrust upward, and she met him each time, grinding her hips down, her clit hitting his pubic bone with each successive meeting of their bodies.

He took her hard and fast, and soon she was screaming, “Tyler, Tyle

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