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Dare to Take (Dare to Love 6)

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She didn’t stand up for Robert, but she always expected her children to be civil. She couldn’t possibly understand why he was turning on his father now, after all this time.

Tyler shook his head, not wanting her to interrupt him until Robert was gone. Later, when Olivia and her baby were out of the woods, he’d explain why he was taking this stand now.

“I’ve got this, Mom. We’ll talk later,” he said without looking back at her, never tearing his gaze from his father’s angry one.

“You’re wrong,” Robert said stiffly.

“I doubt it.” Tyler paused in thought.

What reason could Robert be here, caring about Olivia’s welfare? Because Stuart Jameson knew Olivia was here. He’d check on her. And he’d hear if the great Robert Dare had been by. Or someone could tip off the media and Robert would need to be seen here. Those were the only scenarios that made sense.

Tyler glared at his old man. “I’m going to assume you’re here because you’re afraid someone on the board will find out you’re not the family man you claim to be. Or worse, the press gets wind of the fact that you’re a fraud. Well, newsflash, Dad. You aren’t wanted or needed here.”

His father’s complexion turned a ruddy color. “You’re being disrespectful and rude.”

“He’s just telling the truth,” Ian said. “Something we all should have done years ago instead of trying to give you chance after chance because the girls have soft hearts.”

Sweat broke out on the older man’s forehead, but Tyler couldn’t bring himself to feel sorry for his father. He couldn’t bring himself to feel anything beyond disgust.

“Just go home,” he muttered.

And when no one else in the room disagreed with him, he let out a loud huff, turned, and strode out, slamming the door behind him.

Tyler released the breath he hadn’t been aware of holding. Ignoring Ian’s curious gaze, he spun toward Ella, who pulled him into her warm embrace.

She rose on her tiptoes. “I could kiss you right now,” she whispered.

His mouth twisted in a wry grin. “Are you telling me that seeing me tell him off was a turn-on?”

She burst out laughing, breaking the tension his father’s presence had caused.

“Tyler, what was that all about?” his mother asked, pulling his attention away from Ella and back to the unpleasantness that was Robert Dare. “I know there’s often no love lost, but none of you has ever been so outright … mean to him. At least, not recently.”

She was right. Over the years, after the initial hurt and anger, they’d made peace as best they could. He exhaled a harsh breath and headed to his mother.

He grasped her cold hands in his. “Look, I promise to tell you everything, when the time is right. But tonight, can we just focus on Olivia? She needs our prayers, and that’s all I want to deal with right now.”

Emma eyed him with her sternest mom glare. “Tyler, you try my patience. You always have. But yes, I want to focus on Olivia too.” She patted his cheek. “Don’t think I’m going to forget or let you blow me off though.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he said, grateful for the reprieve.

Because worrying about Olivia was taking all of his strength, what was left anyway, after that confrontation. But for the first time since walking in on his father with his mistress, Tyler felt … empowered. Not burdened by Robert Dare’s expectations or secret. He was his own man, at last.

Chapter Ten

Ella woke up on the hospital waiting room couch, stretched out beside Tyler. Every muscle in her body cramped from the uncomfortable sofa and the unnatural position in which they’d slept. She wondered what had woken her, then she heard the distinctive sound of throat clearing. She opened her eyes to Dylan holding out a cigar for Tyler, a big grin on his weary face.

Tyler pushed himself to sit, and Ella followed, easing herself into an upright position, stretching as she moved.

“It’s a girl,” Dylan said. “And mother and baby are doing fine.”

“That’s great news!” Tyler said, the relief in his voice unmistakable. It had been a long night of worrying and very little sleep.

“Congratulations!” she said to Dylan. Two babies in this family in such a short amount of time. So much joy, she thought, happy for them.

“Thanks. They’ve got the baby in the NICU, but her lungs are formed, and everything else looks good,” he said, sounding thankful. “Considering she’s early, I am so damned relieved.”

Tyler nodded in agreement, the taut muscles in his face gone in favor of a huge smile. “I’ll call the rest of the family.”

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