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Dare to Take (Dare to Love 6)

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His mother didn’t seem to hold a grudge … no more than she had to, anyway. Tyler always assumed that was what had allowed her to move on with another relationship, letting go of that part of her past. Children not included, of course. Nobody was more important to Emma than her kids.

“Actually, he was with another woman. And it wasn’t business.”

His mother’s head shot up, her eyes wide. “Business associate?”

He shook his head. “Definitely not. And Mom, look. It wasn’t the first time I walked in on Dad in a compromising position.” His stomach cramped at the admission he’d been holding in for so long.

His mother tucked her hair behind one ear and narrowed her gaze. “What do you mean?”

He swallowed hard. Now that the moment was here, he was nauseous and unsure he could go through with the telling. “You know what? It’s not important.”

He rose to his feet, but his mother grasped his hand. “Sit back down and talk to me.”

He lowered himself back into the chair, drew a deep breath, and just spit it out. “When I was fourteen, I walked in on Dad and Savannah … you know. At his office.”

“That bastard!” She slammed her hand against the granite, catching her mistake immediately as she grabbed her hurt fist.

“Are you okay?” Concerned, he lifted her hand, checked it over where she’d made contact.

“I’m fine. I’m just annoyed with that selfish SOB for putting you in that position. Anyone could have walked in on him, and I can’t believe it was one of his children.” She met his gaze with her own somber one.

“Mom, I don’t think you’ve done the math. It was a full year before we found out about his other family.” He paused to let his words sink in.

“Oh, Tyler. Why didn’t you ever say anything?” she asked, her hand over his.

“I was weak and it was wrong. I could have spared you hearing about it in Dad’s callous, demanding way.” His heart squeezed tight in his chest, guilt and loathing filling him, even as he hoped his mother could forgive him.

“What? No! That’s not at all what I’m saying. You’re my baby boy. I can’t believe you lived with that knowledge all this time. Did you tell your brothers? Share the burden with someone?” she asked.

He tipped his head, unsure he’d heard her correctly. “You’re worried about me?”

She touched his cheek in that motherly way of hers. “Of course I am. That’s not something any child should see, let alone have to keep inside.”

He leaned against the counter, taking comfort from the cold granite through his shirt. “That’s not what Dad said.”

She narrowed her gaze. “He saw you? He knew you caught him? I just assumed you caught a glimpse and ran out. What did he tell you?”

“To shut my mouth so I wouldn’t hurt my mother. To be a man and keep his secret.” His throat hurt as he repeated the words that had haunted him for over a decade. “So I did.”

“Oh, honey.” His mother pulled him into her arms. “You’re a good, decent man. I’m sorry you had to live with that all these years and revisit it again now.”

“Thank you,” he said, his head still spinning from the unexpected way this conversation had gone.

True, Ella thought his mother would have been devastated no matter when she’d learned of her husband’s betrayal, but Tyler had never factored her worry or concern for him into her reaction.

“You’re special, Mom. I think that’s why we all turned out okay.” He stepped back and seated himself again.

She smiled at him in gratitude. “So that’s why you threw him out of the waiting room.”

“We should have done it years ago. Every year he’s hurt one of us more and more. Olivia was devastated when he didn’t show up for her birthday party. Why would she want him there? Why would any of us?”

On that subject, his mother remained silent, choosing discretion over further bashing Robert Dare.

“So what are you going to do with this information now?” she asked him.

He shook his head at the question that had plagued him, but he’d already come to a decision. “Initially I didn’t plan on doing or saying anything. I couldn’t see burdening them with this. But after last night, I think there will be questions. I’m going to have to tell them.”

She nodded. “They’re curious,” she agreed.

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