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Dare to Take (Dare to Love 6)

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Ella had a good many emotions to sort through. She’d worked with Angie for the last two years, and the woman, though odd at times, had never been anything but supportive of Ella and her career, as well as her life. She’d traveled with Angie to many foreign places. They’d talked. Ella had learned from her. Trusted her. Looked up to her, even.

“Your boss’s name?” the suspicious cop asked.

Ella hung her head and sighed. “I don’t want to believe she knew about this.”

“Well, then give me her name, and we’ll find out.”

Tyler tightened his hand on her shoulder. “Angie’s being involved is the only thing that explains why someone mugged you, took your bag, and when they didn’t find what they wanted, broke into your hotel room.”

“I know,” she said, defeated and hurt as reality set in.

Officer DeCarlo watched them with a wary expression.

“And didn’t the desk clerk mention there being a necklace that looked like yours that had been stolen from a museum?” Tyler asked, repeating what she’d already thought about … and nailing the final head into her boss’s proverbial coffin.

“She did. I just forgot all about it and never looked up the information.” Ella looked up at him, Angie’s betrayal sitting like lead in her stomach. “She obviously knew it was stolen when she gave it to me for safekeeping. And had me keep it so no one here would look to her for it. She was protecting herself.”

“At your expense,” Tyler muttered.

“I’m still waiting for a name?” DeCarlo reminde

d them.

Ella sighed. “Angie Crighton.”

He made a note on a piece of paper, mumbling something to himself. “That is the name our perp gave us as the original buyer of the necklace. Your boss made it clear to the people she hired to sell it she didn’t intend to keep the necklace in her possession. As her assistant, you were the obvious holder of the prized piece.”

“God, I’m going to be sick,” Ella said, her head spinning with all she’d learned.

“Come on,” Tyler said. “I’ll take you home.” He eyed the officer, as if daring the man to contradict him.

Ella rose on shaking legs. She thought the officer believed her, but the fact remained, she was in possession of stolen property.

The uniformed cop met her gaze. “I’m going to have an officer follow you and pick up the necklace.”

She nodded. “Of course.”

“And we’re going to check out your story more thoroughly. And we have a squad car picking up Ms. Crighton as we speak. But until we cross our t’s and dot our i’s … please don’t leave town, and be available for questioning.”

Even as Tyler pulled her close, her stomach twisted at his words, no matter how understandable.

They headed out of the police station and ran directly into Angie, being led into the station, accompanied by her own uniformed police officer.

Ella dug her heels in and stopped walking. “Angie!” Ella said, her fear and apprehension turning into anger and hurt.

The older woman spun at Ella’s voice, the color draining from her face at the sight of her. The officer stood close. “This way, ma’am.”

“Wait, please.” Ella strode over to her boss, grateful for the chance to confront her. “Angie, how could you? You gave me a stolen necklace to transport out of the country?”

“It’s not what it looks like.”

“It never is,” Tyler said, sarcasm lacing his tone.

Officer DeCarlo walked over, stepping up beside Ella. “I don’t think this is a good idea. Frank, take her to holding A.”

“Are you telling me you didn’t know it was stolen?” Ella asked, ignoring the policeman beside her. “What about after I was mugged? You didn’t think to tell me then? Or when my room was ransacked and I called you first chance I got? Or what about when I offered to give it back to you?” Ella asked, stepping into Angie’s personal space. “How could you make me a target?” she asked, horrified when tears popped into her eyes.

For the first time since she’d known her, Angie was speechless. “Ma’am? Let’s go.” Her cop tugged on her arm, pulling her away from Ella.

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